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New Received worse when I snail-mailed Proxmire (D-Wis)
Many moons ago.

His response amounted to:
1. I'm not on the committee that handles that, so I can't do anything about it.
2. I'm retiring, so don't make me work.

With that kind of attitude, why was he even in the Senate?

Brian Bronson
New Um...because it pays well and he got elected?
     Got an e-mail response from my esteemed Senator - (Arkadiy) - (5)
         Response from my Senator John Edwards (D-NC) was no better. - (a6l6e6x) - (4)
             editorial cartoon about him in todays paper - (boxley)
             Re: Response from my Senator John Edwards (D-NC) - (deSitter)
             Received worse when I snail-mailed Proxmire (D-Wis) - (bbronson) - (1)
                 Um...because it pays well and he got elected? -NT - (Simon_Jester)

The Elvis Presley Dambusters Clock-Plate Of Tutankhamen
31 ms