running from the Nazis (if you happen not to be a believer in Their version of The OneTrueReligion).
The world doesn't seem to be handling refugees from oppression any more creatively now, than on Kristallnacht. I'd think that a century of illustrations about how Not to run a world would be enough, for any sentient species (?)
Just not ours, I guess..
Of course it isn't a simple matter, as you say - given all the national boundaries and such; and our preachings about 'all individuals having certain basic rights' is.. mostly for internal consumption and theoretical 'feel good' and all - but given the fate awaiting this particular batch, if they are returned - as the Jews to Nazi Germany:
I'd hardly call them 'queue jumpers'; I'd just call them desperate folk, perhaps about to be returned for execution. (At least I suppose that, fleeing an Official OneTrueReligion is therefore insulting to God - so it *must* be punishable by death) You can't put *any* words on paper, even Geneva paper: that will stop people from fleeing for their lives - y'know? Think about it.
Oh well. It is pretty crowded down there; center of the continent must have, what was it, 4/sq-mile? Bet they'd settle for a grub-stake of some shovels, tents and recipes for roo meat. Considering the alternative. (Hey.. Oz couldn't be more rugged country than Afghanistan. Ya don't have to give each one a Subaru and cable Tee Vee)
What've ya got to lose by giving them some outback You guys don't want anyway - except shame, perhaps?