Nonsense. IT is like electricity, or plumbling, or the truck fleet. Does that mean you can't work in accounting and know something about IT? Of course not. Such a person may even hold some administrative authority over his local systems. But the infrastructure of computing is clearly identifiable, requires specific skills, and demands specialized personnel, like a truck fleet or a plumbing system or an electrical power grid.

I don't know exactly what you are saying here. Elaborate. :)

Now, to answer your question... You're trying to introduce an artificial scarcity, much like Holywood is attempting to do with DRM. If someone is willing to do your job at 1/4 the price, you can have Union mafia beat him up, or you can have INS deport him, but it does not change the basic fact: your job can be done cheaper. So, you have 2 real options: make yourself irreplacable by doing a much better job, or lower your rate. Anything else, including "union", is an attempt to legislate economics. Doesn't work with drugs, with alcohgol, with CDs. Won't work with programmers.