I'm kidding, of course.

There are greedy bastards in every profession.

Can we all agree that man's own wicked/selfish nature causes people in power to exploit those who are weaker or have less or no power?

This is an issue of using a large corrupt organization (the union) to deal with other large corrupt organizations (large companies).

I don't know the best practical answer. I don't think it is a union.

I KNOW the core of this problem is dealing with people who would exploit others for their gain. The problem is that there are a LOT of greedy/corrupt people; that corruption is everywhere, and I only know of one cure.

REPENT AND TURN FROM YOUR WICKED WAYS! But how to get this answer into the boardrooms of America? The only way I know of is for all of us to stop buying and using the products of companies who are moving their work positions to India.

Open Source anyone? But, where would you buy hardware?

Glen Austin