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New looks like giants at tampa bay
could be interesting. I think this years superbowl will not be a blowout whoever gets in. First time in a lot of years have I watched so much football.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

You think that you can trust the government to look after your rights? ask an Indian
New Giants Lack Talent
..but are very well coached - they don't beat themselves (lately).

Just heard from Joe Buck after Shockey catches TD pass: "Man he has great hair!"
New oops posted 2 soon sf within 16 at the 4th qtr
a basketball game has broken out. Whoever bet the over on these games made out like a bandit.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

You think that you can trust the government to look after your rights? ask an Indian
New now a hockey game breaks out!
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

You think that you can trust the government to look after your rights? ask an Indian
New What a game!
TO needs to be boiled in fatback.
New 49ers come back! another showstopper! 39-38
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

You think that you can trust the government to look after your rights? ask an Indian
     looks like giants at tampa bay - (boxley) - (5)
         Giants Lack Talent - (deSitter) - (4)
             oops posted 2 soon sf within 16 at the 4th qtr - (boxley) - (3)
                 now a hockey game breaks out! -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                     What a game! - (deSitter) - (1)
                         49ers come back! another showstopper! 39-38 -NT - (boxley)

61 ms