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New Uh, I don't get this:
A) You will never get a "union". The type of work we do is far more thinking than anything else. If not, it WILL be automated.
What, is the second sentence somehow supposed to be causally connected to the first?

   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Your lies are of Microsoftian Scale and boring to boot. Your 'depression' may be the closest you ever come to recognizing truth: you have no 'inferiority complex', you are inferior - and something inside you recognizes this. - [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=71575|Ashton Brown]
New Yup

A) You will never get a "union". The type of work we do is far more thinking than anything else. If not, it WILL be automated.

What, is the second sentence somehow supposed to be causally connected to the first?

Yes. The purpose of a union is to ensure that interchangable people are not interchanged based on management's whim.

My premise is that most of the work that "IT" professionals do are either extremely repetitive pushbutton work, which is really following a series of directions or extremely complex work which requires a large amount of experience, education, and talent.

In the case of the 1st category, the work is little different than textile factory workers around 1812. When those jobs got automated out of existence, there was a lot of screaming too.

If a person with little or no experience can be trained to do your job, then no amount of unionizing can save you. First it will be given to the lowest bidder, and then it will be automated out of existence. It is easier to automate this type of work than to automate factory work because this is almost ALL software, as opposed to factory work that needs lots of robotic hardware.

In the case of the 2nd category, there are far fewer people who can do the job, and far less need for a large number of those people, so the supply and demand balance out.

I am still not sure what deSitter is focusing on here. Is he lumping in (hhmm) network install, server support, general infrastructure along with internal applications development vs external application development. Huge disparity of skills and responsibilities.
New So you're assuming the second category doesn't need a union?
New Yup
They are not interchangeable.
New Only if
The supply and demand sorta even out only if the managers are rational about how important the programmers are to the company.

I've seen more then one project go down in flames because the company wouldn't give key techincal people raises. This causes the smart people to jump ship, and then the managers are amazed that the $10 dollar an our VB programmers they hired can't build a high performance web server.

New But it's appropriate
If management can't judge the value of the employees, then the business deserves to die.
New Yup
Well, there are journeyman electricians, and there are 30 year masters. They belong to the same union. Some put in runway lights all over the country/world, others rig a dome light in the shitter. It's electrical work. I claim that IT work is identifiable enough to be treated the same way.
New Try it
Give a list of identifiable skills and and what you consider their value, and compare against electricians.

Also, make sure you list what each is allowed to do so they don't step into another's territory.
     H-1B Reform / IT Union - (JayMehaffey) - (80)
         should be IBEW INHO that would handle retirement - (boxley)
         Good point about nervousness of real AFL/CIO motives. - (a6l6e6x)
         Why? Labor is labor. -NT - (deSitter) - (31)
             Why what? - (JayMehaffey) - (30)
                 Better a bad union, than no union at all. - (orion) - (29)
                     imnsho, no union is a good union. -NT - (jbrabeck) - (1)
                         Yup, let's go back to the days before unions. - (imric)
                     Beg to differ. - (hnick) - (6)
                         I did it myself - (orion) - (5)
                             How about? - (gdaustin) - (4)
                                 Yes I agree - (orion) - (3)
                                     Dreamers.... - (gdaustin) - (2)
                                         A question for you - (lincoln) - (1)
                                             Visit this website - (orion)
                     My experiences with the Union - (bluke) - (19)
                         Duplicate post. @#$@#&% computer! -NT - (jbrabeck)
                         Similiar - (jbrabeck)
                         Was it at least all the same union? - (bbronson) - (5)
                             reminds me of the storey between the Raj - (boxley) - (4)
                                 Henry Ford - (tuberculosis) - (3)
                                     Fucking OF COURSE! - (deSitter) - (2)
                                         Prisoners dilema - (tuberculosis) - (1)
                                             Nice Exposition of PD - (deSitter)
                         Good examples - (imric) - (10)
                             Sanity at last - but.. - (deSitter) - (9)
                                 Empty? - (imric) - (7)
                                     Re: Empty? - (deSitter) - (6)
                                         Here - (broomberg) - (4)
                                             BAHAHAHA - (deSitter) - (3)
                                                 Frog in the pot; works repeatedly via ego blindness - (Ashton) - (2)
                                                     Exactly - (deSitter) - (1)
                                                         'Shirking' not my point - (imric)
                                         The problem is imagining that Unions - (imric)
                                 At what cost??? - (bluke)
         All it means to me - (orion)
         We beat this to death - (broomberg) - (11)
             So? The issue keeps coming up - (deSitter) - (10)
                 Nahh - (broomberg) - (9)
                     Right! - (deSitter)
                     Uh, I don't get this: - (CRConrad) - (7)
                         Yup - (broomberg) - (6)
                             So you're assuming the second category doesn't need a union? -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                 Yup - (broomberg)
                             Only if - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
                                 But it's appropriate - (broomberg)
                             Yup - (deSitter) - (1)
                                 Try it - (broomberg)
         H1-B Problem Taking Care of Itself - (gdaustin) - (31)
             Mostly cost pressure - (bluke)
             Wrong - (deSitter) - (21)
                 Is that really your dream? - (Arkadiy) - (19)
                     A dream shared - (orion)
                     Re: Is that really your dream? - (deSitter) - (17)
                         Unions kill productivity in many ways - (bluke) - (15)
                             Bad example - (broomberg) - (14)
                                 Duplicate post - ignore -NT - (bluke) - (1)
                                     HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! sorry couldnt help it - (boxley)
                                 Not really ... - (bluke) - (11)
                                     But remember this - (orion)
                                     You have the heart of it. - (static)
                                     Actually, there are ways around their rigid rules - (tonytib) - (8)
                                         How about we split the difference - (orion) - (6)
                                             Nice thought but unfeasible - (hnick) - (5)
                                                 Re: Nice thought but unfeasible - (orion) - (4)
                                                     Oh good, you mostly agree with me - (hnick) - (3)
                                                         Vote with your feet? - (orion) - (2)
                                                             Nothing is intolerable until you have a choice. - (hnick) - (1)
                                                                 Re: Nothing is intolerable until you have a choice. - (orion)
                                         Yes, the word Union blinds to - the possibilities in '02+ -NT - (Ashton)
                         Re: Is that really your dream? - (Arkadiy)
                 But, Greed is good... - (gdaustin)
             I disagree. A compromise needed - (tablizer) - (7)
                 Re: I disagree. A compromise needed - (gdaustin) - (5)
                     And what if they really can do the job ... - (bluke) - (3)
                         One of the major development costs is communication overhead - (ben_tilly) - (2)
                             Believe me I know ... - (bluke) - (1)
                                 Sounds like we are on the same page then - (ben_tilly)
                     Corporate lying, not individuals - (tablizer)
                 Your COBOL vs Java example is flawed - (broomberg)
         interesting note on HB1 my interview is with a HB1 supplier - (boxley)

Only if you're a philistinic illiterate colonial baboon like yourself.
138 ms