you must be thinking about the Amiga, it was the only computer that I knew about that didn't require a lot of tweaking. Anything that you could tweak, had a program to do it for you either built into the OS or freeware or shareware. Even had one called "MacGag" that gave it all the video effects that the Macintiosh had, as freeware for the Amiga, like the rubber band shrinking and growing of windows as they opened. You could see the difference in the time it took to do this effect verses not being able to do it. A complete waste of processor cycles, but built into the Mac and not able to be turned off.

So go ahead, buy a Mac, what is stopping you? Join the crowd that has left the PC, joined the Mac, went back to the PC, and then joined the Mac for when OSX came out, and now have to read a hints web page to tweak their system.

Or you could just wait until Freedows gets finished, like maybe the next Ice Age? I really liked the idea of that OS, but it took them too darn long to even get the kernel finished. What they had was basically a skeleton OS that used FreeDOS to run some old DOS programs. Even Linux and DOSEMU did a much better job than the Freedows Alpha developer test did.

Ah, give me the old DOS system, at least there it ran on small hard drives, older hardware, and didn't have the GUI crap that slows things down. It was not that hard to configure, but it did have a lot of limitations. Like a 640K memory limit, unless you used himem.sys and emm386.exe and special DOS programs that used it. Also it was optimized for an 8086/8088 CPU. OS/2 1.X was a 286 version of DOS until they added the GUI to it.

Actually when you think about it, OS/2 is much easier to tweak than Linux or Windows 9X/NT/2K/XP is. deSitter, think about buying a copy of eCS and see what you think about it. OS/2 is not dead, at least not yet, as long as there is an Internet, and people willing to support it. You got many friends on here who will show you the way to get OS/2 support and programs. [link||Spiceware even wrote some of the emulators for OS/2]. Nice guy, Darrell, one of the few people I like who keep me sticking around this forum. He took a picture of me at Arby's last Christmas time, when I weighed 280 pounds, I am now down to 260 pounds. But I am rambling, choose whatever OS you think is the best.