So Intel has a solid history of supporting Linux.

In his recent book Lou Gerstner always spoke glowingly and highly of Intel's Andy Gove - a fierce but highly respected competitor who took out IBM/Motorla's PPC initiative by fair competitive means.

(Lou also mentioned Gates but from his first words about the man it is very clear he is trying to disguise his contempt
-- he mentioned how his 1st meeting with gates was withing his 1st days at IBM & how it had been clearly agreed that none of it would be discussed with the press but that within 2 days all the deatils of their talk, known only to the 2 of them, had appeared in print. He also said the meeting was pretty much one-way with Gates telling Gerstner how the OS was now MS's & for IBM to dump OS/2
-- Gerstner also refers to Scott McNealy as being engaging & entertaining
-- he also stated that IT had its own three-ring circus: McNealy, Ellison & Gates. He said that had he shot his mouth off in the same way that three did (often about non-existant technology) he would have had IBM's lawyers & board down his neck instantly)

Cheers Doug