Quite a few of his predictions are pretty obvious. But some are intersting.
2. Dell may get bigger this year, but their best years are behind them. Their alligence to MS will prevent them from moving into new markets and their reputation for quality is fading fast.
5. Seemingly out there, but China has been doing MIP design internally for some time. They are begining to design and produce some cheap middle-low end chips for their own use, which are based on MIPs not Intel. What I see as interesting here is what happens in Korea, Taiwan and the other high tech assembly countries if China does go MIPs.
6. Intersting, and this one I doubt. Intel has a lot of pride and power. They will fight this with everything they have, while MS doesn't have the kind of leverage over Intel it once did. I expect to see Intel make some Linux moves this year as part of this contest.