I would pick 98, because 98 is more stable than ME ever will be, unless you get the right hardware combo with the right driver combo for Windows ME and applied every known workable service pack.

I'd even pick XP Home Edition over ME, any day of the week.

But that is just my opinion.

I run 98SE on my main workstation, and Windows 2000 Server on my server. No XP Pro yet, but my brother "Blkdmn" runs it and plays Everquest on it just fine, I help him configure it from time to time. My other brother "Tyroneshu" uses ME and likes it. His 2000 Server caught a virus, so when he went to reformat it, he went to ME, but he decided he didn't need a server anymore, just use the Peer to Peer networking in ME on all of his workstations. No more web and mail server, he has the pcupgrader.net domain name pointing to almost nothing now. With 2000 Server I had everything set up for him. I told him to install an AntiVirus program and not use Outlook, but noooooo, a Klez virus was somehow emailed to him or something like it and it wiped out his install. Eudora is free now, and has ads to pay for it, Mozilla mail is nice as well. But oh well, live and learn.