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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New $1B...
Recouped by IBM in LINUX development.

[link|http://news.com.com/2100-1001-825723.html|IBM: Linux investment nearly recouped]

[link|mailto:curley95@attbi.com|greg] - Grand-Master Artist in IT
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry/|REMEMBER ED CURRY!]
[link|http://pascal.rockford.com:8888/SSK@kQMsmc74S0Tw3KHQiRQmDem0gAIPAgM/edcurry/1//|ED'S GHOST SPEAKS!]
Your friendly Geheime Staatspolizei reminds:
[link|http://www.wired.com/news/wireless/0,1382,56742,00.html| Wi-Fi Terrorism] comes with an all inclusive
free trip to the local Hoosegow!
I'll never tell, my *overly-red* lips are sealed! *wink* *wink*
New Yes, but that was a year ago.
They should be well on the profit side by now.
New It's the derivative
It's going up.

IBM is all about small business, and I think I'm gonna call them :)
New Wow... I read....
December 29th, 2002.... hehehe

Just goes to show you even *I* make mistakes... ;)

[link|mailto:curley95@attbi.com|greg] - Grand-Master Artist in IT
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry/|REMEMBER ED CURRY!]
[link|http://pascal.rockford.com:8888/SSK@kQMsmc74S0Tw3KHQiRQmDem0gAIPAgM/edcurry/1//|ED'S GHOST SPEAKS!]
Your friendly Geheime Staatspolizei reminds:
[link|http://www.wired.com/news/wireless/0,1382,56742,00.html| Wi-Fi Terrorism] comes with an all inclusive
free trip to the local Hoosegow!
I'll never tell, my *overly-red* lips are sealed! *wink* *wink*
     $1B... - (folkert) - (3)
         Yes, but that was a year ago. - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
             It's the derivative - (deSitter)
             Wow... I read.... - (folkert)

That money came from someplace.
36 ms