(EZ to slime Popus Academicus but at least - they aren't lying every minute..)
Gaudeamus Igitur y'all !!
Ashton hearing a little Brahms in the \ufffdther, the umm
Academic Festival overture :-\ufffd
When the rich assemble to concern themselves with the business of the poor, it is called Charity. When the poor assemble to concern themselves with the business of the rich, it is called Anarchy.
That's a bad ratio! You need to pick a better major....
like physics!
Phyics undergrad ratio was roughly 1:1 for me (about 16 students in all four years & about 16 professors); smallest class was 2:1 (Quantum Optics), largest about 40:1 (intro physics -- and this included all my classes).
And, since we didn't have a graduate program, no TA's.
I imagine ratios in physics graduate programs are similar or even better.
On the serious side, you may want to consider getting into mechatronics and autonomous robotics -- that way you can test your machine learning work in the real world!
Actually, the largest junior/senior level class I had at Tech (a "brother school" of CSM) was 5:1 (course, that was in the Sterling era, where the total studen population was < 1K).
jb4 "They lead. They don't manage. The carrot always wins over the stick. Ask your horse. You can lead your horse to water, but you can't manage him to drink." Richard Kerr, United Technologies Corporation, 1990