I've already told you why I mentioned it: the use of dictionaries to manage type and object names is already in use and is further down in most languages than you think it is.

It does not matter whether they are already there or not. Tablizing does *not* depend on them for noun modeling because it uses the database and *not* symbol tables nor dictionaries as its higher-level structure. (I suppose you are going to fuss that I should learn how RDBMS are implemented also. Note that one can probably build one using dictionaries of dictionaries if they wanted to. I don't question that.)

I will make you a deal: You go learn about why hierarchical and network databases failed, and I will go learn about compilers.

Sorry I brought the whole thing up. Use whatever fricken definition of OO you want. Mentioning the word "dictionary" apparently triggers rapidly firing memories of your compiler courses, blinding you to my point.