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New Different Linux problem
Ok the system has the following:

Pentium 200Mhz
6G IDE Hard Drive
Realtek XX29 PCI Network card (I forgot the two numbers and I am not going to unplug the card)
S3 Virge DX PCi video card
64M of RAM
VX Generic Motherboard chipset

Red Hat 8.0 that I downloaded and burned at 1X for three CDs.

Normal install gives "Abornormal Error" and exits to a command prompt, no other info. If I had the ****ing info I'd give it to you.

On the other had:

Linux noprobe lowres

Works and as it goes to install I get the following error:

"There was an error installing gnome-python2-canvas-1.99.11-8 This can indicate media failure, lack of disk space, and/or hardware problems. This is a fatal error and your install will be aborted. Please verify your media and try your install again.

Press the OK button to reboot your system"

The media was verified before the install and passed their tests. If the media is not bad, and the hard drive does not appear to be full, then what could it be? It did this on the first CD-ROM before it asked to switch it.

Could the hardware just not be compatable with Linux Red Hat?

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New Nope...
The more you describe the problems... the more it sounds as though you may have a Memory problem with the Memory in the system. These problems are similar to the ones IMRIC was describing... pulled out some memory and it was fine.

If I had some known good, I'd send some, but all I got for Pentiums is bad memory... or stuff I am using... ;)

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     Different Linux problem - (orion) - (1)
         Nope... - (folkert)

And on mic: the l-l-lovely... Cher!
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