wrong mess, yer messing with my coach not my team
Went to a rassling match in Tampa with my boys and a football game broke out. Since it was televised we had commerical breaks and up in the nosebleed section beer was flowing. A group of late 20 somethings a few rows down were bsing about college ball. An older 30 something on my row also apparently lubricated got up and started hollering Miami and Florida state! A young black guy in front of me was wearing a charles woodson sweatshirt and had been bsing his buddies about the Bucs suc. This same angy man addressed him " Oakland and WHO Oakland and WHO!" I stood up and said
"Raiders and it doesnt fuckin matter Who!" Got quiet after that :-) was surprised(or maybe not) how many folks were wearing raider gear(including myself)
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You think that you can trust the government to look after your rights? ask an Indian