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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Darwin Awards...
can be found here. [link|http://www.darwinawards.com/|http://www.darwinawards.com/]

I first remember hearing about them in my local free paper's "News of the Weird" section... Interesting site...
Just a few thoughts,


Living is easy with eyes closed
misunderstanding all you see,
it's getting hard to be someone but it all works out
it doesn't matter much to me

J. Lennon - Strawberry Fields Forever
New News of the Weird
is [link|http://www.newsoftheweird.com/archive/index.html|here]. Just dragging the thread even more off topic, as a public service. :-)

And shouldn't your picture show you screaming or something similar? :-D

New Thanks for the link...
Since I moved out of a "major metropolitan area" a few years ago, I haven't been able to read it... Didn't think of "looking for it"... Hmmm...

I'll get a new picture made of me screaming at your behest (and of course, add back the 23 years since the posted one was taken :-O ) ...
Just a few thoughts,


Living is easy with eyes closed
misunderstanding all you see,
it's getting hard to be someone but it all works out
it doesn't matter much to me

J. Lennon - Strawberry Fields Forever
New Ha! No need to do it for me, of course. :-)
New That Ain't You!
New iz 2
It was when I was 18... Was looking for a decent picture of me when I had a full head of hair... Had to go back pretty far. Yeah, and my knee's been aching me. Oy! Sometimes I have trouble with my gums too. And, when it's going to rain, etc.

I just saw that CRC (Conehead, er Conrad) put up a pitcher uv his mug, so I thought I'd better join the club. You know I'm a compulsive joiner, gotsta fit in with the herd yano.

I'm patiently waiting on your pitcher, you do want to be a part of the in posters, don'tcha?
Just a few thoughts,


Living is easy with eyes closed
misunderstanding all you see,
it's getting hard to be someone but it all works out
it doesn't matter much to me

J. Lennon - Strawberry Fields Forever
New It's turning into a trend.
I'm waiting for Ashton to find a pic. Maybe I should find a better one of me...


"Ah. One of the difficult questions."

New Wow.
For once in my life, I'm a trendsetter.

     Maybe it should be retitled Dumbass: The Movie - (SpiceWare) - (11)
         Perhaps... - (jb4)
         Somehow, I'm not worried. - (Brandioch) - (8)
             Darwin Awards... - (screamer) - (7)
                 News of the Weird - (Another Scott) - (2)
                     Thanks for the link... - (screamer) - (1)
                         Ha! No need to do it for me, of course. :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
                 That Ain't You! -NT - (deSitter) - (3)
                     iz 2 - (screamer) - (2)
                         It's turning into a trend. - (static) - (1)
                             Wow. - (inthane-chan)
         The do have a disclaimer - (orion)

Sharp as a balloon.
49 ms