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New At least they are running at break even.
[link|http://biz.yahoo.com/p/r/rhat.html|Recent Earnings Announcement].
For the 3 months ended 11/30/2002, revenues were 24,278; after tax earnings were 305. (Preliminary; reported in thousands of dollars.)
The way I figure it, almost 18 cents of those earnings are yours!

"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session."\t-- Mark Twain
New Rock on!
I'm buying half a stamp! :)
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?"
- Edward Young
     Thinking of trading CSCO for RHAT - (cwbrenn) - (3)
         Well, I did it - (cwbrenn) - (2)
             At least they are running at break even. - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                 Rock on! - (cwbrenn)

Life is too short for tears. I recommend flatulence. It appeals to more senses.
53 ms