Post #6,958
8/28/01 11:16:06 AM

Re: THREE good answers?!?
I beg to differ. There is only one good answer: "Green!"
Depends on the food. I prefer cheeseburgers with Green but Frito Pies with Red. Chicken goes best with green but eggs work well with red.
For those who don't know, the third answer is "Christmas", which means both Red and Green chile
You'd actually consider a Lotaburger with Red?
I wouldn't; I'd consider a "Ranchero Supreme" from Bob's Burgers with Green :)
Jay O'Connor
"Going places unmapped to do things unplanned to people unsuspecting"
Post #6,995
8/28/01 2:05:17 PM

It's true...
...eggs do go better with red.
It's been too long, so I've forgotten some of the subtleties. I apologize and recognize your superior wisdom and understanding! ;-)
BTW, What is Bob's Burgers? Am unfamiliar with this outfit. Please enlighten...
jb4 (Resistance is not futile...)
Post #7,001
8/28/01 3:30:35 PM

Maybe, maybe not
I apologize and recognize your superior wisdom and understanding! ;-)
Living here in Albuquerque, I just get more exposure. Won't claim it as wisdom :)
BTW, What is Bob's Burgers?
They are a local chain of burger joints; perhaps four throughout town. They make really good burgers with soem very hot green chili if you want it. The "Ranchero Supreme" is their flagship green chili burger. The cool part is that you can order either a 'single' or 'double' (patties) in either small or large patty sizes. A "Double Large Ranchero Supreme" is a pretty hefty meal. If you're not that hungry, you can order a "Single Large" or "Double Small", etc...
Jay O'Connor
"Going places unmapped to do things unplanned to people unsuspecting"
Post #7,002
8/28/01 4:10:07 PM

Do they deliver to Waukegan (IL)?
jb4 (Resistance is not futile...)
Post #7,004
8/28/01 4:22:13 PM

Unfortunately, not
...the greasy burgers don't travel well...gotta eat 'em hot!
Jay O'Connor
"Going places unmapped to do things unplanned to people unsuspecting"
Post #7,011
8/28/01 5:23:16 PM

Green chili, schmili
I have Habanero peppers in my freezer and that is a delayed tangy burn.
Of course any restaurant that served a Habanero-based hot food would probably eventually get sued out of business. Like the old lady with the McDonald's coffee, there'd be complaints: "Jeez, I didn't realize it would be that hot."
(Fan of Dave's Insanity Sauce, and happy to have found a local supply.)
French Zombies are zapping me with lasers!
Post #7,014
8/28/01 5:43:03 PM

I used to carry a bottle of Habenero ("Hot Sauce From Hell") chili sauce with me when I traveled....
Of course any restaurant that served a Habanero-based hot food would probably eventually get sued out of business.
...and would take it out in restaurants and put it on whatever local food I was eating.
There are restaurants around here that use Habenero chilis in their food.
There are even restaurants where you cannot get the hottest chili foods unless you know the chef and the chef knows you can handle it
IIRC - the real difference between red and green is when they are harvested.
Jay O'Connor
"Going places unmapped to do things unplanned to people unsuspecting"
Post #7,016
8/28/01 5:55:09 PM

That's exactly right...
IIRC - the real difference between red and green is when they are harvested. Correct. Red chilis are "ripe", while the green are still maturing. Now, Mr. wharris2, you're right about habaneros. But for me, I prefer flavor with my heat; it is my nsHO that Hab's are hot for hot sake, and add basically no flavor to a dish. New Mexican chilis, on the other hand, be they red or green, have a flavor all their own, and add both taste and heat to a dish. They may not be as hot as a Hab (actually, very little else in this world is), but I'll take the flavor of a Middle Rio Grande chili ANYTIME!
jb4 (Resistance is not futile...)
Post #7,018
8/28/01 6:04:23 PM

Habeneros are good for the endorphin release and in getting your 'hit' if you're into very hot chili dishes.
So you are right that they are only hot for heat sake, with not much flavor, but that's all some people want them for :)
But I agree that a good flavored chile, regardless of temperature, is a great spice to almost any dish
Jay O'Connor
"Going places unmapped to do things unplanned to people unsuspecting"
Post #7,040
8/28/01 10:39:34 PM

Re: Sorta..
I always felt that a habanero was more flavorful than a jalapeno, scoville unit for scoville unit. The flavor's why I switched from using jalapenos to habs in my green chile. Not to mention using less chile for the same horsepower. I'd like to try one roasted. The jalapeno, for my money, has had its time.
Post #7,020
8/28/01 6:09:44 PM

Also, forgot...
...preperation of the chili can make a large difference in the heat. Freezing and thawing will boost heat output, for example
Jay O'Connor
"Going places unmapped to do things unplanned to people unsuspecting"
Post #7,044
8/28/01 11:16:36 PM

You're wrong in the flavor
I think Habaneros have more flavor than the red peppers or jalepenos; they have a tart, slightly bitter but not quite so taste. (If you're crazy like me, nibble on one someday, it's interesting. Have plenty of water or beer on hand.) Red peppers or jalepenos don't really seem to have much of a taste to them, other than burning on the tongue.
French Zombies are zapping me with lasers!
Post #7,067
8/29/01 9:23:03 AM

I'm not talking about Jalapenos...
...I'm talking about New Mexico chilis. Hatch chilis. Belen chilis. Alameda 12s and 24s. Those big, fat, long suckers that are grown in the Middle Rio Grande valley of New Mexico south of Albuquerque.
cf. La Casita on Business Loop Socorro south of Spring street (assuming, of course, it's still there). Best example of the genre I've found to date (although I will certainly defer to Freep's more up-to-date knowledge and experience for another, better example).
jb4 (Resistance is not futile...)
Post #7,069
8/29/01 9:48:54 AM

I thought they were wimpy peppers (Biker Billy)
At least, Bill Hufnagle ("Biker Billy Cooks with FIre") seems to imply it, by his selection of peppers in his book.
BTW, it's a great book for tasty yet hot recipes. Don't know if it's still available; copyright 1995.
French Zombies are zapping me with lasers!
Post #7,046
8/28/01 11:27:46 PM

Ah, fond memories
There are even restaurants where you cannot get the hottest chili foods unless you know the chef and the chef knows you can handle it. There used to be such a restaurant near where I worked; I used to go there with several of my coworkers quite frequently. The guy who originally brought me to the place advised the chef that I was somewhat resistant to normal heat. (Apparently, before I came onto the scene, the chef had won the battle of the chili's against him.) I don't think he was ever quite able to win against me. (It was a Chinese/Mongolian restaurant, where you could order *spicy* Kung Pao if the chef knew you.) I did walk out of that place with sweat running down my head on occasion. Sigh. Out of business, not because of spices but because of marital difficulties in the family that ran the place.
If it doesn't hurt coming out, it wasn't worth going in.
Post #7,064
8/29/01 8:52:53 AM

If it doesn't hurt coming out, it wasn't worth going in.
*THAT* brings back some memories I'd just as soon forget :)
Jay O'Connor
"Going places unmapped to do things unplanned to people unsuspecting"
Post #7,038
8/28/01 10:25:24 PM

Green chili, schmili give me seal oil! No seal oil? Thai red
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves. Chuck Palahniuk
Post #7,039
8/28/01 10:30:37 PM

Re: Green chili, schmili
There's a fast food chicken store nearby ("Cluck-U Chicken") that advertises 20 different types of hot sauce and have you sign a waiver, which in addition to other releases, requires you not touch your eyes with your hands after eating. I've seen the waiver, it looked official but still may have been tongue in (chili-fied) cheek.
Post #7,070
8/29/01 9:53:47 AM

Re: Green chili, schmili
Are you in Ft. Collins, CO?
The a Cluck-U Chicken in Ft. Collins, recently went out of business from what I understand though..
----- Steve
Post #7,257
8/30/01 3:48:59 PM

Re: Green chili, schmili
Must be national because the place I was in was in Maryland.
Post #7,071
8/29/01 9:54:13 AM

Re: Green chili, schmili
Are you in Ft. Collins, CO?
There's a Cluck-U Chicken in Ft. Collins, recently went out of business from what I understand though..
----- Steve