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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New mac.users ++
I love spending other people's money. The friend I was helping pick out a computer went for the eMac. Now for the questions:

Where do I go to learn how to use the damn thing?

I've heard bits and pieces about FINK, but what's the deal?

How do you get a command line on it?

What's the easiest way for me to set up remote administration? I'm thinking VNC, is there a client for it?
Microsoft offers them the one thing most business people will pay any price for - the ability to say "we had no choice - everyone's doing it that way." -- [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=38978|Andrew Grygus]
New Welcome!

Let me see if I can assist:

>Where do I go to learn how to use the damn thing?

I recommend getting a book. There are several OS X books around, for various levels of learners. (i.e. folks coming from UNIX, folks coming from Windows, new users, etc.)

>I've heard bits and pieces about FINK, but what's the deal?

Fink is the OS X port of the Debian software package management system. It's strong point (ask Peter) is that it handles dependencies *much* better than rpm. Grab this if you want to install and run UNIX ports on your OS X box. (Like rootless X-Window, for example.)

>How do you get a command line on it?

Easy-peasy, as my wife would say. Go to Applications->Utilities and fire up the Terminal application. Set the preferences to taste (fonts, shells, etc.) and voila. Personally, I set the Terminal to start up at login so I always have it available.

What's the easiest way for me to set up remote administration? I'm thinking VNC, is there a client for it?

- VNC (both client and server) and Webmin are available for OS X. You can also ssh into the box and run many admin tasks from the command line.

Hope that helps.

Tom Sinclair

"Everybody is someone else's weirdo."
- E. Dijkstra
New Thanks much
And BTW your mac-ness is showing:
Go to Applications->Utilities

Let's pretend for the moment that I don't know where Applications is nor how to get to it? Actually Box answered that down below. I should have included in the initial questions that I don't know the Mac equivalent of a Windows Start button or Gnome panel menu launcher, so I don't even know how to find application icons.

I'll be playing around with this thing on the weekend to get stuff set up for her. Can't wait.
Microsoft offers them the one thing most business people will pay any price for - the ability to say "we had no choice - everyone's doing it that way." -- [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=38978|Andrew Grygus]
New Apologize for excessive mac-ness
Actually I spend my day jumping between OS X, Win2K, Linux and Solaris. It's a wonder I can keep my own name straight.

The Applications folder is on the root of the disk (or partition, hereafter referred to as /) where you installed OS X.

User home directories are under /Users (note the capitalization)

Utilities are usually found in /Applications/Utilities

You can drag application icons to your Dock and create a custom launcher.

Folders can also be dragged to the Dock. If you right-click (or Ctrl-leftclick) on the folder icon in the Dock, you'll get a hierarchical menu of the folder's contents.

Applications go on the left hand side of the Dock, folders and documents on the right hand side.

There isn't really a Start menu per se, but as you can see above, you can roll your own.

It takes some getting used to but once you get there, you can work quite effectively.

You may also want to launch System Preferences (in the Dock by default or accessible from the Finder menu) and poke around with the options.

If you want to set an app to launch at login, use the Login Items preference pane in System Preferences.

If you have an application with multiple windows open, you can access individual windows by right-clicking (or Ctrl-leftclicking or just left-click and hold) and select the window by name.

Hope this clears some things up. Please keep reminding me when I make too many assumptions.
Tom Sinclair

"Everybody is someone else's weirdo."
- E. Dijkstra
New Thanks again
I'll be printing this stuff out to bring with me when I go over this weekend. Until I'm sitting at the keyboard it's a little too abstract to try to retain.
Microsoft offers them the one thing most business people will pay any price for - the ability to say "we had no choice - everyone's doing it that way." -- [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=38978|Andrew Grygus]
New HTF do you right click a single button mouse?
I dont know that one.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

You think that you can trust the government to look after your rights? ask an Indian
New You press the apple button while you click
or whatever that weird swirly thing is where you'd find the "windows" key on all the new pc keyboards.

"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?"
- Edward Young
New Actually, you press the <Ctrl> key while you click

This made for an interesting side effect when I was testing a simple MFC app using VNC client from my TiBook. The application kept telling me I was sending a <Ctrl> click when I would have sworn I was actually right-clicking.

Then the nickel dropped....

Tom Sinclair

"Everybody is someone else's weirdo."
- E. Dijkstra
New my mistake
it's been a long time since I've used a Mac. Back when I was a contractor for the Naval Research Labs.
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?"
- Edward Young
New You get used to...
Buying a USB Optical MS Mouse... Then you can!!!

[link|mailto:curley95@attbi.com|greg] - Grand-Master Artist in IT
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry/|REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!]

Your friendly Geheime Staatspolizei reminds:
[link|http://www.wired.com/news/wireless/0,1382,56742,00.html|Wi-Fi enabled device use] comes with an all inclusive
free trip to the (county)Photographer!

Overbooking, is a problem, please be prepared for "room-ies".

Why You ask? Here is the answer to your query:
SELECT * FROM politicians WHERE iq > 40 OR \\
  WHERE ego < 1048575;
0 rows found
New Was going to ask that
As cool as the Mac mouse looks, I wouldn't want to do without the scroll wheel. So with a multi-button mouse (with a scroll wheel) do things get mapped "properly" on a Mac?
Microsoft offers them the one thing most business people will pay any price for - the ability to say "we had no choice - everyone's doing it that way." -- [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=38978|Andrew Grygus]
New Yup, just about any old USB mouse should work
I plugged a MS (two button + scrollwheel) mouse in my iBook once, and it worked straight away - scrollwheel and all.
John. Busy lad.
New ssh for remote access turn up the firewall under net
preferences. Command line is click / drive->app->utilities->terminal also console is on that page. Boot from cdrom and change the root passwd using directions under welcome to OSX read the little books. No idea what a FINK is.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

You think that you can trust the government to look after your rights? ask an Indian
     mac.users ++ - (drewk) - (12)
         Welcome! - (tjsinclair) - (10)
             Thanks much - (drewk) - (9)
                 Apologize for excessive mac-ness - (tjsinclair) - (8)
                     Thanks again - (drewk)
                     HTF do you right click a single button mouse? - (boxley) - (6)
                         You press the apple button while you click - (cwbrenn) - (2)
                             Actually, you press the <Ctrl> key while you click - (tjsinclair) - (1)
                                 my mistake - (cwbrenn)
                         You get used to... - (folkert) - (2)
                             Was going to ask that - (drewk) - (1)
                                 Yup, just about any old USB mouse should work - (Meerkat)
         ssh for remote access turn up the firewall under net - (boxley)

103 ms