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New Re: But there is third party softare for Windows 2000
why should I be limited to Microsoft's ISA, when I could use Winroute or something else at a much lower price? How about open source solutions? Don't any open sourced firewall solutions exist for Windows 2000?

I have a low opinion of WinRoute. I'm not aware of any open source firewall solutions.
You are almost making it sound like my only options are to buy that mega expensive ISA, and remember, I am out of work and not earning an income.

I know you are out of work and do not have an income right now. That is why I'm trying very hard to not say "just bloody get Linux working already". If you want to do Windows, you are going to have to accept the limitations that come of using legacy software. All firewall software for Windows that is worth its salt is very expensive. Them's the breaks, sorry.
Not like I have a choice anyway, I already have the W2K Server license and Linux don't work on my hardware. Plus I cannot afford hardware that Linux will run on, for being out of a job. So I work with what I have.

Your best bet is probably to save up a few dollars and obtain something like a [link|http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?cgiurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Fws%2F&krd=1&from=R8&MfcISAPICommand=GetResult&ht=1&SortProperty=MetaEndSort&query=rt314|NetGear RT314 off eBay] - I got mine for 80 quid second hand a couple of years ago, and they're REALLY cheap now. Perhaps an Xmas pressie? What this wins you is a packet-filtering firewall in hardware with NAT and port-forwarding. It's also got a 4-port switch built in. Verra nice.

This route is probably going to cost you less in time and money than trying to make Windows something it can't be - a low-cost firewall.

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Second the box, and another possibility
I second trying to pick up a magic box. In addition to the one Peter mentioned, there's similar devices by Linksys, D-Link, and a few others. Cheap, easy to setup and maintain, and much safer then exposing Windows to the 'net. Basically you plug it in, plug your DSL router into the WAN port and your PC(s) into the LAN port(s), and point your pc's browser to the devices IP address and set it up.

Another option: Do you have an old 486 or better PC laying around? I have a P100/32meg/400megHD box with 2 NICs running headless with [link|http://www.smoothwall.org|smoothwall] running on it. Functions similar to the boxes mentioned above including the nifty web-based interface. It also gives you the ability to run the Squid web cache/proxy, Snort, and does very extensive logging. Cost is nothing but the all-but-junk hardware.
New Re: But there is third party softare for Windows 2000

I have a low opinion of WinRoute.

Completely unjustified. Winroute is a nearly perfect piece of software for a Windows gateway. It is lean and mean and extremely functional. A machine can be made a ghost to probing, and all the computers behind it. It does not hog the processor(s), it has blazing performance, and a simple but functional administration interface. For the fun of it, it has its own DHCP server and mail server. The former allows faultless synchronization of the NAT table. The latter could be used specifically to route administrative information from machine to machine.
     Windows 2000 and IIS 5.0 security - (orion) - (12)
         Here's the deal. - (pwhysall) - (4)
             But there is third party softare for Windows 2000 - (orion) - (3)
                 Re: But there is third party softare for Windows 2000 - (pwhysall) - (2)
                     Second the box, and another possibility - (Steve Lowe)
                     Re: But there is third party softare for Windows 2000 - (deSitter)
         Re: Windows 2000 and IIS 5.0 security - (orion) - (6)
             Installation problems and hardware glitches - (rickmoen) - (5)
                 Re: Installation problems and hardware glitches - (orion) - (4)
                     Re: Installation problems and hardware glitches - (rickmoen) - (3)
                         Try text-mode install? - (imric) - (2)
                             Echo effect - (rickmoen) - (1)
                                 *chuckle* - (imric)

Minimal oversight is seen as more expensive and odious than frequent disaster.
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