Ran the pgm at home but it didn't seem to locate anything nefarious.

It did bring home though how Win + many new prods, all leave easy to access logs of all activity down to wiping your nose. Spybot points out that this is only a problem if someone else has access to it which can be over the net if they can establish a path.

I have decide & am in the midst of a complete rebuild

1) RH8 on SCSI disk using GRUB dual boot
2) Win2K Clean install
3) Virtual PC under Win2K with a base Win2K VPC which I will use to access email & do downloads in the expectation I will have an isolated system & can replace it with a base disk image anytime.

The main machine can then be used for all the other stuff I want to use it for


Doug Marker

Just wanted to add that an earlier attempt to post this item was blocked. After my clean re-install this same post was no blocked.
Am hoping I have isolated the way they idenify me.