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New Nope, backwards
gs interprets it.

Found it - enscript.
New GS will also convert .PS to .PDF
When I want to make a .PDF, I just set up an app to print to a .PS printer, then have the app print to a file. I feed that file into GhostScript (via GhostView) and convert it to a .PDF

But it does make sense that there should be an app out there that'll do it directly (text to .PDF). Thanks for the pointer to enscript.

     PDF/Postscript file creation - (broomberg) - (8)
         Google for ghostscript, can't remember the details right now -NT - (drewk) - (2)
             Nope, backwards - (broomberg) - (1)
                 GS will also convert .PS to .PDF - (Another Scott)
         Re: PDF/Postscript file creation - (deSitter)
         I print to .ps and run ps2pdf. -NT - (imric)
         Several possible solutions, most 2-step - (kmself)
         Simple script: - (broomberg) - (1)
             Re: Simple script: - (deSitter)

Know what's better than being born on third base? Being born in the owner's box.
38 ms