I can easily do a wipe & reinstall of Win2K - I can post from another protable computer (it seems the blocks are associated with a particular browser & os install. As time has passed more of my computers are being blocked.

Interestingly there is a big article in this weeks Newsweek on how Microsoft, Sun, Cisco & Oracle have been providing technology to the Chinese govt for filtering & blocking email & postins.

What has surprised me just a little is that this was supposed to only have happened on the mainland but it seems to me it is happening here.

Also as mentioned before, the ISP that must be allowing this to happen is the same coy I work for. Leads me to believe it is a skunk works that is in cooperation with mainland initiatives.

If I boot that same win2k computer using RH8, I don't get blocked. At this time out of 8 computers plus my work computer 5 appear to be subject to blocking & all run Win2K with SP2.

Am hoping that by posting what I find, the penny may drop somewhere & we may learn what these agencies are willing to get up to.

Cheers Doug