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New apt-get linux.app
fink...looks to be *very* cool


"It's a native, Darwin version of the Debian GNU/Linux package manager - specifically three tools dpkg, dselect, and apt-get - and opens up a new world for OS X users by bringing everything from small utilities to complete desktop environments such as KDE and GNOME to the Mac."
New Fink you very much!

[link|mailto:curley95@attbi.com|greg] - Grand-Master Artist in IT
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry/|REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!]

Your friendly Geheime Staatspolizei reminds:
[link|http://www.wired.com/news/wireless/0,1382,56742,00.html|Wi-Fi enabled device use] comes with an all inclusive
free trip to the (county)Photographer!

Overbooking, is a problem, please be prepared for "room-ies".

Why You ask? Here is the answer to your query:
SELECT * FROM politicians WHERE iq > 40 OR \\
  WHERE ego < 1048575;
0 rows found
New fink rocks

I've had it for a while now. A nice add-on is Fink Commander ([link|http://www.versiontracker.com/redir.fcgi/kind=1&db=mac&id=15256/finkcommander-0.4.3-bin.dmg.gz|http://www.versiontr...-0.4.3-bin.dmg.gz])

It's a GUI front end for the command line tools.

Tom Sinclair

"Everybody is someone else's weirdo."
- E. Dijkstra
New Heh, have had my half-finished 'fink is cool' msg...
...sitting on my screen since about 9ish this morning (it's 4 ish now).

And yeah, it was the Reg the spurred me into having another look at it. Ok, happy now...
John. Busy lad.
     apt-get linux.app - (Steve Lowe) - (3)
         Fink you very much! -NT - (folkert)
         fink rocks - (tjsinclair)
         Heh, have had my half-finished 'fink is cool' msg... - (Meerkat)

"Knowledge is power." - France is bacon.
82 ms