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New Some possibilities
As always, the iPod would be the ultimate....but for <$100 you should be able to get a flash-based player with a removable media slot (typically SM or SD/MMC, occasionally MS or CF). Reliability shouldn't be a problem with a flash-memory player; I haven't had any reliability problems with my MPMan.

How much music depends on compression; I can get about 2.5 hours of music into 96M with 56K bps compression, which sounded fine to me 95% of the time -- but you might feel differently.

Get something with either a belt clip or arm band (e.g. SonicBlue NikePlay, $90 refurb older model, $200 new model).

Good starting points would be a large retailer (e.g. Fry's) or on-line store with a big selection, e.g. here's an [link|http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/browse/-/290436/ref=br_bx_c_1_3/103-6322146-3109422|Amazon link]

New The Nike armband thing.
I've been reading up on MP3 players - I'm seeing a lot of comments about that Nike puck as basically being an unreliable piece of shite that gets RMAed about every three months. Buyer beware.

I'm shying away from the whole iPod thing because of the additional weight associated with the hard drive, plus jogging is a lot of up 'n down shocks - which would probably negatively impact the hard drive's long term reliability.

"...the middle of fighting a war against religious extremism is not the time to do something offensive to God." - Some idiot.
     MP3 player suggestions? - (inthane-chan) - (8)
         Some possibilities - (tonytib) - (1)
             The Nike armband thing. - (inthane-chan)
         You jog around the lake for a week? Cool! - (Meerkat)
         Re: MP3 player suggestions? - (andread) - (2)
             That follows my own thinking - (admin) - (1)
                 And CD-ROM is quite bulky - (tonytib)
         Yes - avoid MP3s :) -NT - (deSitter)
         2c. - (static)

Low-tech innovation with ordinary food items wins.
56 ms