steveoc_____ and the Ingrate Daze redux
[link|http://members.iweb.net.au/~steveoc/nice/index.html| Steve O'Connor ] from OZ, yes - he w/ the Linux computer built into his Porsche! - setting up Pizza? places using Linux early-on for POS (er.. Point of Sale this time). His site's a bit long in tooth.. wonder how he be? We traded a few e- techno missives re cars + power supplies vs noise filtering.
Alter-ego - the Immortal Jerry Lee Cooper, from the
Nations Institute for Computing Excellence!
Folksy faux M$-Shill-bot, what might pass the Turing test.. in Georgia, say.
Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..
Kinda miss the humourless zealots - so ez to skewer in mid declension, even for us amateurs.. intermixed with the occasional computing-God who'd drop in for a bout of dismemberment..
Ah yes - there we were in full worldview.. a rippin and a rendin n'multilatin the cockamamie NT is the Future-World of the Suited Incoherent Ones atop the Infoworld Pyramid of Pretensiousness:
in their own Living Room / Forum for the masses!
What a $#&@ bunch o' ingrates wuz we all, dissecting editorials, dissin calyumnists.. :-) Then came The OS/2 Debacle.
(And the silly twits wouldn't even 'let' Scott, Ben et al? - fix their pre Y2K bollixed s/ware for ~free!) Masters O'Bizness, those Suits. OTOH - why Would they help prolong the Agony that wuz *US'ns* !
who commuted initially via dialup from home --> local library Gen-U-Wine Web connection w/Lynx, before first ISP. Had to cut&paste to save anything to disk! But it were free.
Hmmm remember when ya had to write a script to run Trumpet Winsock? and ya had to cobble together an init string for yer modem thingie? (different for Each model) with SO=n and lots of tweaking just to get the Real connect speed to display? 14.4 == Hot Setup.

Edited by
Dec. 10, 2002, 03:53:28 AM EST
steveoc_____ and the Ingrate Daze redux
[link|http://members.iweb.net.au/~steveoc/nice/index.html| Steve O'Connor ] from OZ, yes - he w/ the Linux computer built into his Porsche! - setting up Pizza? places using Linux early-on for POS (er.. Point of Sale this time). His site's a bit long in tooth.. wonder how he be? We traded a few e- techno missives re cars + power supplies vs noise filtering.
Alter-ego - the Immortal Jerry Lee Cooper, from the
Nations Institute for Computing Excellence!
Folksy faux M$-Shill-bot, what might pass the Turing test.. in Georgia, say.
Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..
Kinda miss the humourless zealots - so ez to skewer in mid declension, even for us amateurs.. intermixed with the occasional computing-God who'd drop in for a bout of dismemberment..
Ah yes - there we were in full worldview.. a rippin and a rendin n'multilatin the cockamamie NT is the Future-World of the Suited Incoherent Ones atop the Infoworld Pyramid of Pretensiousness:
in their own Living Room / Forum for the masses!
What a $#&@ bunch o' ingrates wuz we all, dissecting editorials, dissin calyumnists.. :-) Then came The OS/2 Debacle.
(And the silly twits wouldn't even 'let' Scott, Ben et al? - fix their pre W2K bollixed s/ware for ~free!) Masters O'Bizness, those Suits. OTOH - why Would they help prolong the Agony that wuz *US'ns* ?!
who commuted initially via Lynx + remote dialup from home --> local library Gen-U-Wine Web connection.. before first ISP. Had to cut&paste to save anything to disk! But it were free.
Hmmm remember when ya had to write a script to run Trumpet Winsock? and ya had to cobble together an init string for yer modem thingie? (different for Each model) with SO=n and lots of tweaking just to get the Real connect speed to display? 14.4 == Hot Setup.