I can't tell you how many times I sat there waiting for the scene to end, but we just had to get that last cheesy silent reaction shot, inevitably reacting to something which should have been a major plot point but wasn't due to the bad writing and bad acting. "It's just not working!" (I can hear the echoes finally reaching me from the cutting room) "The audience can't tell what they're supposed to feel about this scene!" "Well, let's get 2nd unit to shoot a double-take from Hermione! THEN they'll know..." et cetera.
Not to mention I as an audience member had *zero* empathy at the end for Little Miss I've-almost-got-a-PART-in-this-movie Weasley, and I'd even read the book. Pivotal plot-moving character who got cast aside to showcase more awed looks from Herm, Harry, and Ron. I swear this director went to a Christian college, where they drill pastors to "tell them what you're going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them that you told them." Kids are not that stupid, Chris. We could've used more plot and more character, and less fore- and hind-shadowing.
* Disclaimer: I'm working as a Directing coach right now, so I'm overly critical/analytical. Take the above with a grain of salt.