Post #67,487
12/9/02 10:24:23 AM

CSRSS.EXE Problem.
I have two boxes, configured exactly alike (both are hardware and software alike - Dell dual processors, Win2K Pro). An as/400 executes an app on each (the same app). One machine is dramatically slower in its execution than the other and I think I know why. csrss.exe (Client Server Runtime Service) is consuming anywhere from 5-8% CPU intermittently on the slower machine. There should be no network traffic while the app is running on either machine and the second (faster) machine does not exhibit the overhead of csrss.exe that the first (slower) machine does.
I've asked the 400 goobs if there is any difference in the way that the 400 spawns these apps and they insist that there isn't ("All problems are PC related" is the standard here, even when its been demonstrated otherwise).
Any idea what would make csrss.exe consume so much cpu?
tia, Mikem
Post #67,536
12/9/02 11:50:04 AM
12/9/02 12:57:01 PM

Do you have webserver (ie IIS) running on only one box?
The other option is Nimda--csrss.exe gets overwritten.
[Edit: Better, G?]
Many fears are born of stupidity and ignorance - Which you should be feeding with rumour and generalisation. BOfH, 2002 "Episode" 10

Edited by tseliot
Dec. 9, 2002, 12:57:01 PM EST
Post #67,558
12/9/02 12:55:26 PM
12/9/02 2:19:27 PM

*SHUDDER* fix that! (eduted)
Yes Bob, was really talking about the Nimda! *SHUDDER* I am seeing Flashbacks... "MOMMY.. Help me!"
[link||greg] - Grand-Master Artist in IT [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!]
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Why You ask? Here is the answer to your query: SELECT * FROM politicians WHERE iq > 40 OR \\ WHERE ego < 1048575; 0 rows found
Post #67,571
12/9/02 1:39:20 PM

Yikes! You mean I shouldn't have installed Nimda?
Only kidding, only kidding. ;-)
Don't have IIS running on either. Both behind a checkpoint f/w. They've got Symantec anti-virus running on them as well, iirc. Have to check. I looked at all the services and the 2 boxes appear to be running the identical processes. But, I'll check that again (I'm not the only one with my fingers on those machines by a long shot).
Thanks for tips.
Post #67,560
12/9/02 1:07:02 PM

*scratch head*
Is this a [link||laptop]?
I found a number slowdown issues related to csrss.exe on google groups; few with the '400 involved... This was one of the few with a 'resolution' (such as it is). If this isn't a laptop, do you have bios setting differences, perhaps power management?
Imric's Tips for Living- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Post #67,572
12/9/02 1:40:08 PM

They're not notebooks.
But that is one thing I didn't check. Thanks.
Post #67,598
12/9/02 2:46:31 PM

Double-checked all services, Power Mgmt, etc. Still dunno what gives. <grimace>
Post #67,606
12/9/02 3:17:04 PM

Looking again, I find this as an issue
in [link||NT4].
More on the [link||NT problem]... This one says "The problem is a result of the user running a 16bit app and then disconnecting instead of logging off. To work around the problem you can use the kill.exe from the NT4.0 resource kit to kill the csrss.exe process. this DOES NOT kill it but does keep it from using 100% of one cpu"
Hmm. 16 bit app. Are you sure that the same version of CA (or whatever you are using) on both machines?
Hope I'm not barking up the wrong tree, here...
Imric's Tips for Living- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Post #67,629
12/9/02 4:37:12 PM

Now, that looks promising.
Thank you very much for looking this up for me - I've got my hands full at the moment, but the KB article about "polling video memory" looks like it might be the nub of the problem. Unfortunately, I won't be able to get to this for a few days. I'll continue looking on my own. Thank you!
Post #67,638
12/9/02 5:40:19 PM

NP! *grin*
Imric's Tips for Living- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.