are not headed in the same direction. Here is a quote from Gosling
[link||ABOUT JAVA TECHNOLOGY An Interview with James Gosling ]

"JAVA DEVELOPER CONNECTION PROGRAM (JDC): If you could start again, would you make everything an object rather than the current int, boolean, byte, etc, viz-a-viz object disconnect?

JAMES GOSLING: No, actually I tend to go the other way, which is to say, a way to make classes behave more like primitives, so that they can be optimized and become extremely efficient, and maybe have a way to do autoboxing so that they sort of go back and forth between being objects. There are a lot of subtle problems around autoboxing that always make me nervous, and the big one being questions around identity. "

I agree with you that Java as it stands today is unsalvageable, they just keep adding more and more stuff on top of a very lousy foundation.