This is an incredible boon to expressiveness, because it lets
you turn a combinatorial growth in the number of implementations
into linear growth.
This is best seen with an example. I'll use Objective Caml because
that's the dialect I know the best. Suppose that we have an interface
for priority queues. This might look like the following
module type Q =
type key
type q
val empty : q
val add : key -> q -> q (* Add an element to the queue *)
val max : q -> key (* Get the highest priority element *)
val del : q -> q (* Delete the highest priority element *)
When actually implementing the queue, there are two dimensions
of implementation: the data structure used to represent the
priority queue, and the order relation on the elements of the
In a Java-like language, the way one would do this is to first
define an interface for the priority queue, and then for
each different data structure you would define an abstract
method for the comparison routine. Then, you'd specialize
each class with concrete implementations.
So if you had (say) 5 different queue structures, and 10 different
comparison routines, then there would need to be 5 x 10 = 50
concrete implementation classes. Worse, there would be a lot
of duplication, since every comparison would have to be textually
repeated 5 times.
Functors let you break that problem, and write just the 5
different data structures and the 10 comparisons, and then
combine them. That's 5 + 10 = 15 bits of code you need to
write, and there's no duplication whatsoever.
So what you'd do is define an interface for the comparisons,
like this:
module type ORD =
type t
val cmp : t -> t -> int (* An ordering relation; when two elements
x & y are compared, return
{ -1, if x < y
cmp x y = { 0, if x = y
{ +1, if x > y
And writing some parameterized modules -- functors. Here are two
implementing priority queues as sorted lists and as binary trees:
module ListQueue(Elt : ORD) : Q with type key = Elt.t =
type key = Elt.t
type q = key list
let empty = []
let rec add x q =
match q with
[] -> [x]
| x' :: q' when Elt.cmp x x' < 0 ->
x' :: (add x q')
| _ -> x :: q
let max q = List.hd q
let del q = q
module TreeQueue(Elt : ORD) : Q with type key = Elt.t =
type key = Elt.t
type q = Nil | Node of q * key * q
let empty = Nil
let rec add key q =
match q with
Nil ->
Node(Nil, key, Nil)
| Node(left, key', right) when Elt.cmp key key' < 0 ->
Node(add key left, key', right)
| Node(left, key', right) when Elt.cmp key key' > 0 ->
Node(left, key, add key right)
| Node(left, key', right) ->
Node(left, key, right)
let rec max q =
match q with
Nil ->
raise Not_found
| Node(left, key, Nil) ->
| Node(left, key, right) ->
max right
let rec del q =
match q with
Nil ->
raise Not_found
| Node(left, key, Nil) ->
| Node(left, key, right) ->
Node(left, key, del right)
Note that some of the capabilities of functors are provided
by multiple inheritance used in a mixin style. However, this
is quite fragile vis-a-vis functors because all the internals
of each mixin class are visible in the subclass, whereas with
functors only the specified interface is available, /and/ it's
in another namespace. Also, the benefits of functors get larger
and larger as the number of possible ways to combine your
program grow.