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New Cujo looks like shit this year.
I think he went to sleep thinking that now that he was a Red Wing, he was entitled to a Stanley Cup (just like the Dominator). Well, Curtis, you don't get one if you don't show up.

Personally, I'd LOVE to see the Leafs beat the Wings 4-3 in the Finals this year. Would fit the sob proper for leaving the hallowed grounds of Toronto hockey.

okay, okay, I know, the Leafs in the Finals is damned near an oxymoron, but you gotta admit the Leafs line (Sullivan, Stumpy and Roberts) are tearing things up in Chicago. And damnit, I can dream, can't I?
New hey, seasons early yet
still gotta get to a lightning game.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

Opera was the television of the nineteenth century:loud, vulgar and garish with plots that could only be called infantile. "Pendergast"
New Re: Cujo looks like shit this year.
He still thinks the Detroit defense is clearing the crease, not to mention keeping the puck in the other end.

We'll trade you a boatload of somewhat used goaltenders for him, deal?
New Yeah but so has Belfour
Until recently. I doubt his play is going to last the whole season and the playoffs. While it would be very nice to see a Leafs vs Wings final with the Leafs winning, right now, I'm hoping the Leafs get into the playoffs, preferably in a good position and finally *MAKE* it to the Cup final.

I don't fault Joseph for leaving to play with a more certain Stanley Cup contender. I can certainly find more fault in players leaving for more money than for Cup winning potential. I mean seriously, he and Meehan would have pressed to find out what sort plans the Leafs would be executing in the offseason and obviously they weren't impressed enough to consider staying. Toronto offered him more money than Detroit! And as we found over the offseason the Leafs basically did nothing to upgrade the team to achieve a level where they are *REAL* contenders for the Cup. All the moves were essentially sideways. I really hope that Stavro gets the boot, Tannenbaum takes over, Dryden shuts the fuck up and just does his Presidential duties, Quinn does just the coaching and Bob Gainey is hired for the GM. We may then finally see some bold moves and spending to get a contender.

And I think you meant Berezin instead of Roberts at Chicago. We've still got Gary, he's just MIA right now. :-) If I was controlling things I wouldn't have any of those players back on the Leafs. Sullivan isn't going to get the playing time to put up the numbers he currently has, Stumpy, who is a great guy and all that, is old and Berezin is an offensive nightmare and a defensive liability.
New <blush> Yes, I meant Berezin.
I won't edit my post as a penance for my fat fingers.
     Cujo looks like shit this year. - (mmoffitt) - (4)
         hey, seasons early yet - (boxley)
         Re: Cujo looks like shit this year. - (deSitter)
         Yeah but so has Belfour - (lister) - (1)
             <blush> Yes, I meant Berezin. - (mmoffitt)

Look on my CD collection, ye mighty, and despair!
36 ms