*Everything* is a commodity.. Well.. I feel less abused by my Otrona "semi-permanent computer purchase" now. But only briefly.
I recently snagged on eBay a fine French* product from Adret Electronique - a 600 MHz synthesized signal generator in near-mint shape all around: for <$300. ~ 5? years ago: cost near $20K !!! here. (This to go with a couple other of their products also stolen earlier)
* Was planning to ask you if.. next time you head for local Rundfunk GmbH, [Radio Schaken Vertrieb Donnervetter?] you might keep eyes peeled for the cute round 1-1.5 cm dia? AC connector cordset (or a half dozen!) = kind whose chassis jack has a fluted outer surface = the cordset would have 3 female sockets. AC wall plug end immaterial of course and, best taken off.
I presume that this business (chassis) end style is used by quite many electronics mfgs - and is not stupidly an Adret-specific design..
Maybe I can grab you something equally shippable, off the local pallets (either actual or virtual) [??] Also I'd really like to find a source for Tech Manuals for 3 Adret thingies - gets reward if you find either of above! Yeah English would be nice, but.. diagrams are polyglot. No joy tryin searches for such - the French aren't biting on such queries as I've made re manuals, and Adret likely has now tossed in the towel to the mega-Lectronic combines.
Nutso world - no one will be able to dupe many of the Tek & other items now going for peanuts, but perhaps soon there won't be as many people capable of using them - either (?)
I'd guess that sending you a box ~ to above, might incur somewhat self- deal-cancelling postal overhead (?)
who didn't mean to gloat at our Overseas denizens of less $-besotted locales, still relatively Mall-scourge free [??]