- finding appropriate work for certain of the 'er locals.. American-style work - while setting up their syndicates for numbers, and - the stuff of Vegas before there Was a Vegas.
Maybe do a lateral arabesque and ask how it is the US de-elected the Queen of Hawaii and stole all That territory, while checking out the history of our 'neighbors' -- and you want sympathy for a few er M$-grade Corporate exploiters of Cuba, after they'd already plundered it in the same style as Central and So. America?
Could you be upset that this particular banana republic decided it'd rather not continue to be Our banana republic?
I suggest that it is the Murican Ego which lies behind the draconian inhumane and inane 'special treatment' of Cuba; nothing to do with International law (which didn't exist to protect Cuba or other locals - from our corruption via seed money and then overt political manipulation for cash).
(UN still cannot stop us - none of the countries actually surrender autonomy, especially the right to exploit weaker ones. It's all about 'face', but not penalties anyone could enforce)
But I can see why you and Jesse would stand shoulder to shoulder on shorting the UN - it does after-all, stand (well, in principle!) somewhat in the way of US doing our Bizness as Usual re poorer countries - at least those from whom we want something:
usually cheap labor to ship off their natural resources to us, for processing here - and reselling back at Our prices. Umm there's a word for that process: something to do with Empires and such? That was earlier, of course. All finished sorta.
The new imperialism is more about keeping the locals in-line for exploitation at miniscule wages: by US-bribed local overseers. As with Walmart - yup old Sam can browbeat even the higher levels of governments there; for lower and lower mfg. costs - because they are the poorest of all - and have been run for many years by equally despicable locals / who learned watching US tactics.
That Freedom-loving US 'friend' Bautista - if those awful Cubans had just left him alone... Havana could look like LA today! Why.. there could be Pepsi Signs and C&H Sugar signs all over those ugly palm-studded present-day streets, today deprived of the signs of Murican Progress\ufffd. And they could each own a Glock too - to protect selves from Fellow Cubans, who'd naturally enough: also be acting just like Muricans.
Those *poor* Cubans! Imagine what they have missed! by opting out of our Pan-American largesse for all .. these .. years. They coulda been another Nicaragua (with Ronnie's or Bushie's help) or Colombia! (with the DEA's help and others).
Or another Haiti - (gosh we didn't seem to find PapaDoc Duvallier NEARLY as offensive as that nasty ol' Castro - even paid his medical bills: he was (another) er bulwark against Communism Near Our Shores\ufffd)
You're really gonna miss Jesse, now aren't you?