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New Hypothesis re the Dumbth Problem in US culture
Lead (and other heavy-metals and substances only partly explored) + other industrial contaminants, are associated with the permanent attenuation of learning capabilities, especially in formative years.

Leaving aside momentarily other areas of focus, perhaps larger in contribution (the psych. effect of a constant barrage of Ad-noise and other man-made hazards, especially to the nascent mind?):

What about all those miniballs, bullets etc. strewn about since ~ 1775? We tend to associate most 'progress'-created problems with the unnatural concentrations of substances which formerly were widely dispersed - or locked-up in relatively durable mineral salts.

Muricans been in-heat about boom-boom things since the first. What has been the effect of seeding lots of ground, later used to grow things..? It can't All be from the sweet-tasting paint being eaten by the candy-deprived young-uns.. now can it?

while you're up, please get me a Grant.
New Try the mountain of chemicals we injest in our daily grub
add to the many jobs which are exposed to toxic fumes, painters, mechanics etc and add to the noxious self poisoning many of us indulge in followed the the disinclination of many who assume that other folks are taking care of that particular problem and that they are competant, which sadly so few are.
keep the grant I'll sned you a bill for a jefferson
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]
"Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
New lead? ... Heavy, Ashton
And all this time I thought it was just the car exhausts... Oh wait, there was lead in those for approximately 80 years.

The jeanie is/has been out of the bottle for a long time. I used to live about 30 miles away from Fernald, OH (don't drink the milkshakes).

I sometimes like to think we can blame it all on "bad chemicals" in the brain (ala Dwayne Hoover or was it Wayne Hoobler?), but I think nurture still might be playing a slight role. N'est ce que pas?

I just wish I had Fairyland emblazened in the back of my skull.
Just a few thoughts,


Living is easy with eyes closed
misunderstanding all you see,
it's getting hard to be someone but it all works out
it doesn't matter much to me

J. Lennon - Strawberry Fields Forever
New a good tatoo artist can fix that
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

Whenever you can stab them in the back.
Better yet stab them in the back in the dead of night.
Best of all stab them in the back in the dead of night while their asleep.
If you've got to stab them in the front, try a low blow.
If none of that works, then use all your skills as best you can, you stupid dummy.
Rodrigo Sfondrati-Piccolomini
A man after my own heart
New Jeez__ the genie-gene's rilly outta that Jug?
Yup, like M$ source code - the interactions have surpassed any (former?) capability of ever cleaning up the place for its poisoned denizens. We all Know this.. at some primordial level IMhO.

So for many - and like a recent A. C. Clarke book I hafta get around to reviewing: it's as if there's an asteroid heading for us. Fatalism then sez - no need to bother. This is a temp gig. No Wonder! that the Rapturin-clan are out in full-farce, trying to Get In Good With Gawd.. but mainly:

[Oh.. the A n t i c i p a t i o n ! !]

..lookin Rilly forward to *seein* --> the unWashed-in-the-Lamb sheep, gettin agonizingly s l o w-roasted, while *they* stand in the clouds feelin Smug - right-next-to the Adored/Fearful Roasting Monster\ufffd

Soo.. we don't 'bother' - just gum the daily messages to death, tut-tut followed with Happy Talk about the new Disneyland opening *Near You*. Drive there in your UAV.

Have a nice Eon,

My Gawd sez, Pshaw
     Hypothesis re the Dumbth Problem in US culture - (Ashton) - (4)
         Try the mountain of chemicals we injest in our daily grub - (boxley)
         lead? ... Heavy, Ashton - (screamer) - (2)
             a good tatoo artist can fix that -NT - (boxley)
             Jeez__ the genie-gene's rilly outta that Jug? - (Ashton)

The kids should've been walking to school with EMP lunchboxes.
58 ms