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New Ah Grasshopper __[and we are all er Grasshoppers]
Principia Intellectualis? Refs from Adler to Wittgenstein! Evokes initially.. the story of Bertrand R. nearly driving self *mad in His 'Principia' - first 128? pages became a preface to the proposition that [perhaps] 1 + 1 = 2.

* His intimates said that he never fully recovered from the experience.

Guess I'll have to nibble off a few links and see if.. the massive analyses have led to anything like a synthesis or two. This aspect reminds me of Mr. G(urdjieff) and his response to a question of the ilk..

C'mon.. can't ya just Tell Us what you've found out about [All and Everything] ?? Huh.. huh? He said ~ "It's all very simple, actually. But one must first learn pretty much [then dimiss most of that - implicit] in order to see this simple little bit.."

So I'll try to delve a bit, peripatetically as weird mood strikes. Overall I have the impression of a third angle: we "intellectually centered Types" have to beware of the mesmerizing effect of a whole bunch of ideas. Our first instinct is to build a Model. And preferably, almost inevitably? - The Model of [It All] cha cha cha. Y'know?

Hierarchical file systems appear to me to be a modern Kaballa in that.. there is the tacit evanescent promise that.. [?] perhaps it is ~ "with sufficient linkage we shall grasp The Whole but as a sort of Unifying-Simplicity". Alas for that, I have come to firmly disbelieve that 'grokking' could yield to any 'process' - of the classes [realizable] or [imaginable]. The class [impossible] may.. overlap both? Recursion should be expected here, but that may even be the Simple part.

I guess I don't know how to intellectually 'prove' - that intellect is not enough ;-) even to self, if I don't pay attention for a trice.. This may be why 'Teachers' are indispensable to grokking to fullness. Information we gots Lots of but umm 'transformation'? - Ah There's the Rub!

who must rely greatly upon there being Cosmic Humor.
Otherwise - this Play is highly repetitive and odoriferous to boot.
Edit PS: Mozilla Rocks! Saving a bunch of tabs as Bookmarked Tabs.. comes dangerously close to feeding imagination that, that intellectual Model just.. might be tenable :( :-\ufffd
(How's That for recursion)
Collapse Edited by Ashton Nov. 15, 2002, 08:22:01 PM EST
Ah Grasshopper __[and we are all er Grasshoppers]
Principia Intellectualis? Refs from Adler to Wittgenstein! Evokes initially.. the story of Bertrand R. nearly driving self *mad in His 'Principia' - first 128? pages became a preface to the proposition that [perhaps] 1 + 1 = 2.

* His intimates said that he never fully recovered from the experience.

Guess I'll have to nibble off a few links and see if.. the massive analyses have led to anything like a synthesis or two. This aspect reminds me of Mr. G(urdjieff) and his response to a question of the ilk..

C'mon.. can't ya just Tell Us what you've found out about [All and Everything] ?? Huh.. huh? He said ~ "It's all very simple, actually. But one must first learn pretty much [then dimiss most of that - implicit] in order to see this simple little bit.."

So I'll try to delve a bit, peripatetically as weird mood strikes. Overall I have the impression of a third angle: we "intellectually centered Types" have to beware of the mesmerizing effect of a whole bunch of ideas. Our first instinct is to build a Model. And preferably, almost inevitably? - The Model of [It All] cha cha cha. Y'know?

Hierarchical file systems appear to me to be a modern Kaballa in that.. there is the tacit evanescent promise that.. [?] perhaps it is ~ "with sufficient linkage we shall grasp The Whole but as a sort of Unifying-Simplicity". Alas for that, I have come to firmly disbelieve that 'grokking' could yield to any 'process' - of the classes [realizable] or [imaginable]. The class [impossible] may.. overlap both? Recursion should be expected here, but that may even be the Simple part.

I guess I don't know how to intellectually 'prove' - that intellect is not enough ;-) even to self, if I don't pay attention for a trice.. This may be why 'Teachers' are indispensable to grokking to fullness. Information we gots Lots of but umm 'transformation'? - Ah There's the Rub!

who must rely greatly upon there being Cosmic Humor.
Otherwise - this Play is highly repetitive and odoriferous to boot.
     I am shocked and appalled... - (screamer) - (9)
         just like it sez in the bible got a rod dont spare it - (boxley) - (2)
             Couple word definitions need correcting. - (Ashton) - (1)
                 wrongo bud - (boxley)
         Now.. now.. Dan - not to worry. - (Ashton) - (5)
             Okay, I have a confession... - (screamer) - (4)
                 Heh.. - (Ashton) - (3)
                     Since this thread is a throwaway anyway... - (screamer) - (2)
                         rosecrucians online looks like - (boxley)
                         Ah Grasshopper __[and we are all er Grasshoppers] - (Ashton)

Dim Sum for brunch!
43 ms