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New Re: The post didn't seem to go anywhere

I have had this many times but usually if the topic was controversial so I have long suspected that certain material gets filtered at particular times.

With the China congress underway I have wondered if this is one of those times.


New Very bizarre...

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Re: Just happened again - whwn I used names of leaders

I am quite convinced that any material mentioning the C-H-I-N-A leadership is getting filtered. There are times when the same happens with posts mentioning
F-A-L-U-N G-O-N-G.


New Re: I have become used to this esp
When major political events are occuring in China.

One other topic that seems to get filtered is writing about controversial subjects such as the infamous F-a-l-u-n G-o-n-g - the filtering varies from time to time but seems to occur most when major events are taking place in either China or HK.


(My original post had much more in it but it dissapeared so what I have written in the 3 parts is a small subset. It gets annoying but we have to live with it).

Expand Edited by dmarker Nov. 14, 2002, 08:05:27 PM EST
     China leaders vote themselves out of office - (dmarker) - (14)
         Do you get an error? - (admin) - (4)
             Re: The post didn't seem to go anywhere - (dmarker) - (3)
                 Very bizarre... -NT - (admin) - (2)
                     Re: Just happened again - whwn I used names of leaders - (dmarker)
                     Re: I have become used to this esp - (dmarker)
         One word: WOW - (bbronson) - (2)
             Re: One word: WOW - has been expected for while, but ... - (dmarker) - (1)
                 At least the new leader made his bones in 1989 Tibet - (boxley)
         Re: China leaders vote - part 2 - (dmarker)
         Re: China leaders vote - part 3 - (dmarker)
         Re: China leaders vote - part 4 (bbc news clip) - (dmarker) - (2)
             Just tested length posting - (admin) - (1)
                 Re: Length doesn't seem to be it - (dmarker)
         If they keep the anti corruption up it is a good thing. - (boxley)

Ergh... bring me a bucket!
89 ms