Slipped on a couple things, missed a couple questions....
But overall it went well, said I had the most concise answers to 2 questions he's asked that he's ever heard. :) (about Va and.. I forgot).
One time he asked me "can you..." and I wasn't sure, so I said "yes" and didn't elaborate. :)
The ride... well, when you go to do it, be as prepared as you can. Of course I screwed up slightly (had the keys in my pocket) - had to open the door to get them.. forgot to slap the locking handle all the way down.
caught it on the runway, before I started to roll... Luckily, was a short field takeoff, so Iw as still revving, so pulled power, slapped it down, got back in rythm.
The DE is pretty well regarded (as opposed to another one around here).
I messed up unusual attitudes.. he had me look down while he tossed the plane around, and then yelled "recover" and I looked straight up and out. Oops. (to those not familiar - you're doing this with a view-limiting "hood", and are supposed to figure out where you are, and what to do based on the instruments).. So he let me do that again.
My turn around a point was abysmal - I was taking the forecase wind as where to start, it was off by about 40 degrees.. So he let me do a S-turn across a road, which I've almost never done, and thought it was horrible, but he said it was great..... so I didn't argue.
I didn't fly as well as I did the day before with my CFI.. but good enough to get my PPL.
Everybody duck. :)
Oh, and when I arrived to practice Thursday? The plane was sticking out of the maint hangar... I walked up, engine cowling was off. "Should I worry" "Not yet" said my CFI (and he's an A&P). "if the runup in a second isn't better, then worry".
(the lower plugs were fouling horribly, he put in cleaned ones.)
One of the newest FAA Certificated Private Pilot, Single Engine, Land, pilots. :)