Post #61,716
11/7/02 5:37:24 PM

could replace saudi oil for the next 30 years
[link||http://www.amo-union...dlifedrilling.htm] "At the high end, it could replace all the oil we import from Saudi Arabia for the next 30 years. At the low end, it would still be the second-largest oil field ever discovered in North America--the first being Prudhoe Bay." Before drilling began at Prudhoe Bay 30 years ago, reserves there were estimated at between 8 billion and 10 billion barrels, but the field now accounts for up to 25 percent of U.S. oil output. Prudhoe Bay "is rapidly approaching 13 billion barrels of oil and is still not dry," Sen. Murkowski noted. If the top end is good why not abandon the arabian peninsula in favor of US and Latin American Oil? Let Iraq have the fsckers. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #61,719
11/7/02 5:44:12 PM

and to replace the squirrel cupcake news you will be quoting
[link||] Natural gas is readily available; Prud hoe Bay has 48 747-jet engines pumping one billion cubic feet of natural gas back into the ground 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They have nowhere else to put the natural gas. and the clincher as believable as that tripe you call facts "All of our energy problems could have been solved in the '70s with the huge discovery of oil under Gull Island, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska," Williams said. "There is more pure grade oil there than in all of Sau di Arabia. Gull Island contains as much oil and natural gas as Americans could use in 200 years." Oddly though, immediately after this massive discovery, the federal government ordered the rigs to be capped and oil production shut down. done with the edification of chicken little thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #61,727
11/7/02 6:38:35 PM
11/7/02 6:46:29 PM

Special interest pap....Next?
But for the sake of discussion, let's assume that maybe there is a nugget of two of actual fact there.
So fscking what?
You can cut down consumption or foreign oil the same amount (more or less; I admit I don't have exact number here...and neither do you) by simply converting to fuel cell-based autos. Shit, even converting to a infinitely variable transmission in autos will perform a similar trick, as will traction motor cars/trucks.
Alternatives, Bill, alternatives. Think, man. Its so much easier to think, dream, plan, experiment (gad, that implies R&D, the anathema of Repos), than to defile.
But that's so damn...inconvenient!
And it's bad for Bizniz (as it is currently practiced of course, but not for the visionaries who actually solve the problem. But, of course, those who actually solve the problem will not be the same people who created it, nor will they be the same people who beileve they will continue to profit from maintaining the status quo).
jb4 "About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead. " -- Edsger W.Dijkstra (1930 - 2002) (I wish more managers knew that...)

Edited by jb4
Nov. 7, 2002, 06:46:29 PM EST
Post #61,750
11/7/02 8:43:57 PM

so dead kids for iraqi oil is less important than the
caribou? that is special intest clap trap. Until those efforts to conserve are made we need the oil and we can go get it from under other countries or use our own. Obviously you prefer to deal with the saudis. Fine. We could be self sufficient in energy consumption by nuclear means as well as all the other suggestions but a lot of folk wont listen to that either. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #61,754
11/7/02 8:59:06 PM

Caribou are doing just fine, thank you very much!
[link||In Comeback, Caribou Cross Yukon River Into Canada.] Yep, invading Canada to get more room. The Greater Land of Caribou, if you will. :)
"I have a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain. -- Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665)
Post #61,785
11/7/02 11:49:20 PM

shoulda built a pipeline there, returns wooda been faster :)
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #61,898
11/8/02 3:08:03 PM

You been taking Marlowe red herring creation lessons?
so dead kids for iraqi oil is less important than the caribou? that is special intest clap trap. It's also a red herring. I never stated that that was the choice. In fact, the alternative I stated would obviate the need to destroy either! Stay away from Marlowe, he'll rot your brain....
jb4 "About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead. " -- Edsger W.Dijkstra (1930 - 2002) (I wish more managers knew that...)
Post #62,143
11/11/02 12:54:48 AM

so throw marlowe's name out huh Godwin declared
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #62,217
11/11/02 1:21:40 PM
11/11/02 1:22:51 PM

Now just you waidaminnit...
Have we expanded Godwin on these fora? (Not that that's necessarily a bad idea...)
Mebbe we should invoke zGodwin (or weeGodwin?)...
jb4 "About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead. " -- Edsger W.Dijkstra (1930 - 2002) (I wish more managers knew that...)

Edited by jb4
Nov. 11, 2002, 01:22:51 PM EST
Post #62,277
11/11/02 5:29:40 PM

Anti-Godwin for false-Godwins?____Gawd.. no Win