Post #61,041
11/4/02 3:21:21 PM

People are the problem, not IT
In fact, You Are Despised. It is obvious why: You are despised not so much for your 'knowing cute techno tricks' but for the fact that your Boss knows too little to accompish his assigned 'goals' and worse: both S/He and Their bosses despise you for knowing how incompetent they are - to make the often? stupid choices they make for you to carry out. Mostly they despise you for knowing why they are despicable [and largely for also being trapped in a circle game of lies - you get to share that self-loathing too]. Dig it.
I remember a Crystal Reports guy who was put into the middle of a mess because his immediate boss did not want to prioritize his assignments. Instead different departments tried to influence him using both carrots and sticks to give their projects the most priority.
As far as bailing out of IT, no matter where you go there is BS. If you are self-employeed then you have to deal with stupid customers and tell them how wonderful they are. Farmer? Too boring in my book.
Post #61,079
11/4/02 7:49:35 PM

Farmer? grew up with shit between my toes
it is a lot of things but boring it aint. Profitable it aint. Thats one of the reasons I went to Alaska, Let god do the farming I'll just hafta take care of the harvest. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set]
"Money for jobs? No first you get the job, then you get the money" Raimondo
Post #61,096
11/4/02 9:46:25 PM

What does Alaska mean?
Probably "big ass earth shake".
I'm from farmers. I think the grey men sent Bryce to study Earth farming.
Post #61,104
11/4/02 10:45:40 PM

Alaska (Alyeska) -- Aleut for the Great Land
"I have a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain. -- Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665)
Post #61,109
11/4/02 11:21:58 PM

well we do have "the land of 10k smokes" volcano's
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set]
"Money for jobs? No first you get the job, then you get the money" Raimondo
Post #61,759
11/7/02 9:18:42 PM

study this!
I think the grey men sent Bryce to study Earth farming.
Yes. I started out by studying compost. This lead me directly into the subject of OOP.
Post #61,789
11/7/02 11:55:45 PM

oop is learning to reuse? you learned lessson well :o
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #61,795
11/8/02 1:10:31 AM

"I have a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain. -- Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665)
Post #63,154
11/15/02 8:46:53 PM
11/15/02 8:48:49 PM

and causes mad cow desease
good comeback, really. Kudos.
Actually the "reuse" kick is kind of dying off in OO brag lists. It is being replaced by other (rather vaugue) claims.

Edited by tablizer
Nov. 15, 2002, 08:48:49 PM EST
Post #63,281
11/16/02 6:26:23 PM

Only in those whose immune system can't take it! :-)
Post #63,333
11/16/02 9:50:52 PM

Weak system (pant pant)
If I have a weak immune system, do I qualify as disabled?
Post #63,378
11/17/02 8:48:56 AM

Naah... You DON'T qualify as an OO programmer, although... *might* or might not -- I dunno, ask Bryce -- qualify as a Mad Cow.
Christian R. Conrad Microsoft is a true reflection of Bill Gates' personality - the sleaziest, most unethical, ugliest little rat's ass the world has seen unto this time. -- [link||Andrew Grygus]
Post #63,508
11/18/02 12:12:21 AM
11/18/02 12:14:29 AM

Magic word uddered!
Even with 56K, ya gotta see/hear [link|| this!].
No announced size, several 8? minutes here.. tabbed browsing: HTF did we survive without it?

Edited by Ashton
Nov. 18, 2002, 12:14:29 AM EST
Post #63,749
11/19/02 7:32:36 AM

Mooo! (Shudder)
Post #63,977
11/20/02 5:10:22 AM

Youse sed it, brudder!