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New Automated transfers using locked-down SSH keypairs
Ben Tilly wrote:

You have an internal box. It produces data. Said data needs to be sent to boxes that are visible from the outside world. How should you do this?

[link|http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/linux-info/ssh-publickey-process|Like this.]

Rick Moen

If you lived here, you'd be $HOME already.
New Rock. Thanks for posting that.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Question
Looks familiar, but locked down even further by only allowing one command.

But what if you want to be able to run 2 different commands?

One to copy data to a machine, one to tell it to recopy data to others in its cluster.

"Career politicians are inherently untrustworthy; if it spends its life buzzing around the outhouse, it\ufffds probably a fly."
- [link|http://www.nationalinterest.org/issues/58/Mead.html|Walter Mead]
     ssh-agent -- anyone using? - (kmself) - (14)
         Yes... Also exchanging... - (folkert) - (1)
             Tricks, books - (kmself)
         so all I need is one of the boxen you are running - (boxley) - (10)
             No... - (folkert)
             No. - (ben_tilly) - (8)
                 if I have rooted your box, the first aim of a crack - (boxley) - (7)
                     Sample usage - (ben_tilly) - (5)
                         a couple of things now I understand - (boxley) - (1)
                             The kind of data doesn't matter - (ben_tilly)
                         Automated transfers using locked-down SSH keypairs - (rickmoen) - (2)
                             Rock. Thanks for posting that. -NT - (admin)
                             Question - (ben_tilly)
                     Re: if I have rooted your box... - (kmself)
         Used to use it ... loved it - (drewk)

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