Know the feeling
For about 10 years I was a sysop running a BBS that I wrote(VIC 20, C64 then C128). We used to have BBS parties all the time: day at the beach, night at the roller rink, sysop birthdays, Rocky Horror Picture Show, picnic in the park, etc. It was nice to be able to put faces with handles(though, as a sysop, I did know everybody's real name). It's harder to pull off face-to-face get togethers with internet based communities. At least now there is another IWETHEYer in Houston for me to hang out with. :-)
I miss it. A few times a year I'll get an email from a user - I just found your SpiceWare site, remember me? Way cool.
Darrell Spice, Jr.
[link|http://home.houston.rr.com/spiceware/|SpiceWare] - We don't do Windows, it's too much of a chore