It's not Effing about [link|/forums/render/user?username=gfolkert|ME], it's Bloody Effing about this [link|/forums/render/user?username=orion|Bass Terd].

He whines and lies about the fact we Effing do and don't here... BLAH, BLAH FUCKING BLAH...

[link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=57239|Here] he tries to convince us he didna start it... Yeah right... Go through the whole dam thing.. the first replay to it says:
So get to know us... you may be surprised at how much we catch-on... even if some of us have sticking ... keys...

I was eluding to the fact I saw it right away... Dam shame he wastes so much time... he is Brilliant... just does not know how to FUCKING use that energy and time effectively.

He makes statements like [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=56273|this] and expects us to NOT notice... and then come back blaming us for him CALLING him back... no...

Or how about [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=52667|this one] Eh? you say... MY GOD we are getting a bit tired of the never ending "I'll do it... you watch THIS TIME, I'LL DO IT!!!" talk... Effing DO IT or GET SOME REAL HELP YOU FUCKING TERRIBLY DEPRESSED MORON!

Sidenote: We here at IWETHEY think the World of Norman King... Just that his actions of LATE are FUCKING FUCKIN FUCKing Getting on those LAST of our NERVES... All the criticism and/or harsh words from us are based on NORM's actions and NOT based on Norm hisself.