to scoring/killfiling.
E.g. Some newsreaders have scorefiles. You can give + scores of various ranks to items you really want to be sure you'll read (replies to your posts, favorite authors, favorite threads, etc.), - scores of various ranks to items you want to be sure you won't be bothered with (MMF, despised authors, trolls, periodic FAQs you've read dozens of times, etc.). A post has to have a non-negative score to be shown by default.
I know that twit filters and the like have been requested here. I don't think they're needed yet myself, but if you get around to implementing them, please consider a scoring system rather than a simple binary show/no-show system.
Each reader could assign a score to each poster/thread/forum and just as you check to see whether the message should be displayed by the reader's timestamp of the forum, you'd check the reader's scorefile to see if a post should be displayed.
Hmmm. It might get a little server-processor intensive. :-(
Hey, Scott! How's that NNTP interface to zIWeThey coming?!
(It doesn't seem fair to ask you to reinvent the wheel so that we can have scorefiles here if it'll bring the server to its knees. Scoring really should be a client-side process, IMO.)
Or maybe, through the magic of SQL, you could have a persistent query attached to a user login (that would be changed only when the scorefile changed) so that the decision on what post to show really wouldn't be that much different from what's required now? Is something like that reasonable (I know nothing about SQL)?
(Who started typing before he reached the end of the thought, but decided to post this anyway to feed someone's LPRD addiction tonight. Enjoy. :-)