better than paralysis..

I.. think... that you.... have reached and gone slightly beyond..... your,

Daily Capacity of Shit-Eating Concupiscence (ain't that a gasser word !? ;-)
Yer.. DCSEC. If you *must* do that kinda thing.

It's -

[looking in murky brownish haze in my solid-quartz crystal bawl]

Something to do with: IIS, Exchange, or Horrors! AD... + 4 TB of Power Punt Presentations w/ CRC-errors, and a request: for you to nuke the working Good Other stuff and...

Support The One True Shop.

Cigar? half-pack of Ultralights?

Ashton Swami
Heard such ejaculations before . . .
(And I don't even work in this {Ugh} stuff)