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New well he does have a point
it is very array like, no indexes everthing hashed and complex to manipulate but he might not be that desparate yet. The company I was thinking about does the southeast and northeast, not much out west. Yes I would do it again and hate it just as much but only if I had to.
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New I will consider relocation
The idea that a person can find something right in their back yard during a tech recession is unrealistic anyhow, especially in CaliExDotComFornia.

New Unrealistic?
3 miles away. Down a country road.

I go home for lunches, in fact.

-scott anderson
New Bah. Practically commuting, is that.
I live less than 400 metres away from work.

I go home for lunch, too... on foot.
Shill For Hire
New On the other end....
...I drive about 60-70 miles to work every morning...and 60-70 back in the evening
Jay O'Connor

"Going places unmapped
to do things unplanned
to people unsuspecting"
New 60-70?
Does your office move around in the night? Is it on wheels?

Shill For Hire
New Re: On the other end....
I drive 50 miles each way every day. But the drive is nice, because I go away from the city (where I live) into the country. The drive takes about 1 hour and doesn't deviate very much. I've seen no accidents in 3 months now.

The company has VPN and I have a cable modem and they cooperate well together. So, I would like to ask for "home work", however, they are starting to cast me into a management role, where I'm leading/tutoring/managing other employees and I can't very well do that from home.

So, I have a meeting with the big boss tomorrow and I want him to commit to putting me into a more "formal" management position, or I'm going to start lobbying for work from home.
New Nice.
The only businesses within that distance here are dry cleaning shops and grocery stores. :-)

-scott anderson
New trouble with that is yer co-workers figure you are so close
we'll just give Peter a call at 2am he can tootle over and fix it. After work if I am not on call I do not wish to be found.
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New Me either.
Actually, my place is very good at leaving us alone when we're not on duty.
Shill For Hire
     ADP? - (tablizer) - (32)
         whereabouts you at? - (boxley) - (12)
             West - (tablizer) - (11)
                 "WHahhh!!!" - (Fearless Freep) - (10)
                     well he does have a point - (boxley) - (9)
                         I will consider relocation - (tablizer) - (8)
                             Unrealistic? - (admin) - (7)
                                 Bah. Practically commuting, is that. - (pwhysall) - (6)
                                     On the other end.... - (Fearless Freep) - (2)
                                         60-70? - (pwhysall)
                                         Re: On the other end.... - (gdaustin)
                                     Nice. - (admin)
                                     trouble with that is yer co-workers figure you are so close - (boxley) - (1)
                                         Me either. - (pwhysall)
         XBase Lives! - (tonytib) - (17)
             Uhoh... - (admin) - (15)
                 Well, you don't have to use those features...and maybe - (tonytib)
                 www.dbase2000.com... Nah, oops, that's OO too. -NT - (CRConrad)
                 Pied pOOper - (tablizer) - (12)
                     Hang in there, Bryce.. - (Ashton) - (11)
                         Inconsistency - (CRConrad) - (3)
                             Nahhh... not even close. - (Ashton) - (2)
                                 Applied *lift*? Desmodromic, just like a Ducati? Kewl. -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                     Re: Applied *lift*? Desmodromic, just like a Ducati? Kewl. - (Ashton)
                         Can somebody help me translate from Ashton to English? - (tablizer) - (6)
                             The Resource Kit CD is $40; must be Passport certified. -NT - (Ashton)
                             There's someone who sorta agrees with you. - (static) - (2)
                                 I missed it, and link is gone - (tablizer) - (1)
                                     Odd. - (static)
                             Astoundingly astute observation. - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                 now now dont pick fights with the guy - (boxley)
             and don't forgit Open-Source Xbase - (tablizer)
         On Gov form instructions - (tablizer)

I'd interracially copulate with an alien at this point, and take it to breakfast even.
286 ms