Learn to fucking READ, you goddamn idiot!
Maggie's post above was agreeing with ASHTON, that HUGH (hnick) was "being an idiot" for being so positive (TOWARDS YOU, you utter fuckwit!) in here.
This was an ironic way of waying that it was nice of Hugh to be so NICE to you, seeing as how it was in here in the Flame forum, an' all.
Trust you not to get the point, but to whine and scream when people are being NICE to you.
Oh, and your:
Leave me alone and I won't have to keep coming back here.
If you didn't keep coming back here, you wouldn't KNOW anybody here was talking about you, would you?
And what you don't know can't hurt you, so... just piss the heck off and trust us not to talk about you.
(As a matter of fact, I don't think anybody DID before YOU posted here again... But that doesn't matter, because if someone did -- if only you'd staid away like you promised, you wouldn't know.)
How much more simpler can I make it?
"Piss off, and STAY off!" -- how's THAT for "more simpler"?