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New Lord of the Rings?
rumor has it, the entire trilogy was pure fiction. But I don't believe a word of it. :)
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?"
- Edward Young
New No, really
Frodo made most of it up after all the attention Bilbo got after "The Hobbit" :)
New Im convinced, cause the ring was found by BG
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
     LOTR and cofuser folks being discredited (somewhat) - (boxley) - (3)
         Lord of the Rings? - (cwbrenn) - (2)
             No, really - (Steven A S) - (1)
                 Im convinced, cause the ring was found by BG -NT - (boxley)

No, your ass does that all on its own.
32 ms