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New Problem is....
the report which your link references provides nothing to suggest that
we should go to war with Iraq. Read it. It says nothing. Nothing.
(its circa 100 pages and bland in places but its a decent read for a rainy day).

It actually proposes removing the sanctions and replacing them with ones
which will work to control armaments and weapons.
It then suggests lifting any controls on investing in the Iraqi oil industry.
It talks about being careful not to do anything which piss off other oil
producers (such as invading).
That's in the limited places where Iraq is mentioned. The rest is a lucid examination of the energy problem and makes recommendations about what to
do about it.It actually makes a lot of sense.

Textbook for invasion INDEED!

Go ahead and read it.
You can just blindly take the word of people with a clear and demonstrable bias.

(Look that up too).

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
New I have. There is *one out* that I see,
given the drumbeat and daily propaganda of this Admin (also authors of the CFR Report)

That is: that.. all the patent G\ufffdbbelsian propaganda [but of far lesser eptness] has been largely for Saddam consumption. Accordingly we have to *seem* to be John Wayne incorrigible Yahoos just about to slaughter a few more Indian tribes with our Gatling guns ---> Any. Day. Now.

IF.. that is indeed the actual Plan (since nothing like a long-term plan has surfaced from any source) -

A) If it succeeds, it Will be announced as having been The Plan. And some respect for the Admin might (grudgingly or happily) be earned next [?]


B) If it doesn't work, this Admin will Saddle Up and ride, on the backs of the ovine Corp-Congress. Hmm - sheep with saddles?

I sincerely doubt there exists
C) A Wise Plan of intricate and methodical action, to ferret out the criminals on whose behalf we 'plan' to attack a variety of Countries. Because we can. And we can name our own conditions for calling it an 'Emergency' - screw world opinion.

New Not sure its the plan or not...who knows
The point is that what the report recommends has precious little in it
which would suggest that going to war with Iraq is a good idea.
And its sad that somebody can suggets that it might be
"the textbook in use on how to, in the interest of oil, invade Iraq and make it look like it's for the good of the Iraqi people and a campaign against weapons of mass destruction in the hands of Saddam Hussein."

Its a shame that this stuff gets peddled around like it represents "gospel".
It is propoganda and the fact that there are some who will readily consume and accept it without challenge is as disturbing as any other propoganda.
One the water (or the truth) is poisoned...does it really matter what poisoned it?

Some believe that it is a complex problem space which plays host to the
motivations and conflicting agendas of many parties. To try to view it only
through the lens of the "oil issue" is too simplistic.

I'm also not sure why the administration has to have any ONE plan.
Is it not plausible (indeed likely) that they have multiple plans and contingencies in place?

Even if its along the lines of
a) Send in weapons inspectors

b) If inspections are thwarted threaten sanctions
c) If inspections are still thwarted....actually apply sanctions
d) If inspections are still thwarted.....threaten to invade
e) If inspections are still thwarted actually invade......remove
Saddam Hussein...... then take all of Iraq's oil for ourselves keeping
the Iraqi people in indentured servitude (Yugoslavia........? Sod that fellas!
This is different. These mother@#!$ers have OIL!)

...... or something like that.
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
     Yup.. _mostly.. _it's the [oil] - (Ashton) - (13)
         Re: Hard core facts are just 'hard core' to too many here - (dmarker) - (12)
             But don't forget Part II of the dance - - (Ashton)
             Then there are the ones who contend... - (bepatient) - (8)
                 I would have thought that, by now - (Ashton) - (7)
                     Actually, it is just about the oil. - (Brandioch) - (3)
                         While this logic test might indeed work - - (Ashton) - (2)
                             Or "catch snipers" for that matter -NT - (Mike)
                             Depends upon how you view it. - (Brandioch)
                     Problem is.... - (Mike) - (2)
                         I have. There is *one out* that I see, - (Ashton) - (1)
                             Not sure its the plan or not...who knows - (Mike)
             Not sure that I'm in the - (Mike) - (1)
                 Re: Will follow thru - cheers Doug -NT - (dmarker)

Seriously, for someone who shows some signs of intelligence, the consistency with which you misunderstand anything inconvenient to you is quite amazing.
50 ms