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New While this logic test might indeed work -
it would not be 'applied'. I believe that in Power Circles\ufffd - euphemism rules, and the simple parsing down to basics rarely occurs (and then - everyone present squirms). Then too, Muricans are the biggest employers of euphemisms since the mythical Cain mentioned that the mythical Abel was.. collateral damage. And we all never die.. we pass away.

So your logic might prevail on starkest level. But that level is rarely reached and the sheer volume of unsorted Yes, but..s guarantees that there can be no overtly cynical 'Reason' ever later uncovered, amidst the camouflage coded-phrases.

Why do we suppose that The Leader immediately prevented release of prior Presidents' docs. - (for National Security natch - where else have we used that phrase.. over decades, now?) Ditto - re Enron + Cheney 'advice' to the newly Selected group. Hell.. megadittoes all over. (These guys Know that their lips flap a lot; nor were even JFK, RFK safe from unintended meaningful statements.. we see.)

I admit my prejudice: I believe that language was invented [primarily] so that men could disguise their thoughts from each other. "Pass the cheese", was just a fringe benefit used to sell the idea. (Like "catch criminals" is the rectum-lubricant for universal surveillance cameras and databases. Despite 1984 and a million clones since.)

Who would never lie.
Hey, I'm Honest!
[Bonus for most incisive disassembly]
New Or "catch snipers" for that matter
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
New Depends upon how you view it.
While this logic test might indeed work -
it would not be 'applied'.
This is why N.K. could (and did) go public with its nuke program.

Euphemism only works while all parties care to employ it.

So your logic might prevail on starkest level. But that level is rarely reached and the sheer volume of unsorted Yes, but..s guarantees that there can be no overtly cynical 'Reason' ever later uncovered, amidst the camouflage coded-phrases.
Deniability. But, again, N.K. Deniability only works as long as someone isn't able to call you on it.

I admit my prejudice: I believe that language was invented [primarily] so that men could disguise their thoughts from each other.
Quite possible. Whether it was originally or not, today we are innundated with *blab* words. And most people are happy to not dig too far or think too much about the situation. As long as they are warm and fed, it is okay with them.
     Yup.. _mostly.. _it's the [oil] - (Ashton) - (13)
         Re: Hard core facts are just 'hard core' to too many here - (dmarker) - (12)
             But don't forget Part II of the dance - - (Ashton)
             Then there are the ones who contend... - (bepatient) - (8)
                 I would have thought that, by now - (Ashton) - (7)
                     Actually, it is just about the oil. - (Brandioch) - (3)
                         While this logic test might indeed work - - (Ashton) - (2)
                             Or "catch snipers" for that matter -NT - (Mike)
                             Depends upon how you view it. - (Brandioch)
                     Problem is.... - (Mike) - (2)
                         I have. There is *one out* that I see, - (Ashton) - (1)
                             Not sure its the plan or not...who knows - (Mike)
             Not sure that I'm in the - (Mike) - (1)
                 Re: Will follow thru - cheers Doug -NT - (dmarker)

Please do not spit too loud, thank you.
90 ms