There are only Two Positions:

The fRightful-Wing one - which is Certainly the Correct one.
The Librul Com-symp Idiot one - Wrong without inspection: none needed.
[unchanged cant from 1946 ---> on]

Actually I believe that even our most polarized reps here are more intelligent than to believe such digital-think is worth a bucket of warm spit. I can't account for our continuing the habits of The Paranoid Style in American Politics into our frequent M.Python confusions of argument with contradiction. (Although it IS EZier than actual thought.. izzat it? Just another form of Nintendo, for some?)

The still-fascination with the UndeadHorse merely underscores the provincialism and repetion <--cancelled-out with--> actual daily Dubya excretions.. hmmm verbal dev/null.

{sigh} Intelligence appears to be quite subordinate to early conditioning - and maybe irrelevant to Wing-picking. But hey.. occasionally matters rise above this BS - and we gots folk like Chris, with debating experience.. if anyone cares to heed his brief but wise observations on well-formed arguments.

Besides.. for all our vaunted TechnoAge Toy-stuff (and I've been around such stuff for a couple careers) our milieu today is even *more* superstitious than the Hottentots, expresses more banal religiosity than 'spirituality' - and worships dumbth. Merkins generally despise anything which begins with intellec--

That makes zIWE a kinda oasis.. by comparison. Scary, ain't it?

Ah well - if we should go all-Nintendo all the Time, that would be time for exit.